[quote=@DisguisedDemon] Essentially terrorists? They are completely terrorists. However, I've always been terribly about liking the bad guys in shows and finding them more interesting then the good guys. Like Unicorn absolutely bored me with whatever his name was because he was just good with pretty much no flaw except being weak and pathetic. (I hope I didn't offend anyone sorry!) [/quote] There's nothing wrong with liking the bad guys. Hell, Char Aznable is one of my favorite characters in the series and he was a villain in most of the stories he appeared in. The difference between Char and Celestial Being (for me, anyway) is charisma. Char just oozes with charisma, with the way he carries himself and the way he can get just about all the female characters who meet him to fall in love with him and want to fight by his side. He's like an evil James Bond and I love him for it. Celestial Being had none of that. They basically just preached about war being horrible (which of course it is) but then proceeded to use weapons of war to spread their message and basically try and act as a glorified nuclear deterrent. But they had no charisma, or personality in what they did. Setsuna (the guy we're supposed to root for as the main hero) is an emotionally stunted teenager with all the personality of a brick wall. He's like Heero Yuey if you took out all the traits that made Heero, well, a hero.