[quote=@Double] I would recommend watching Build Fighters and Build Fighters Try at some point then. None of the tired old messages about war and instead just a celebration of how awesome Gundam is as a franchise. They can get pretty cheesy at times with how serious some of the characters take their battle toys (let's be fair, Build Fighters is kind of the Yu-Gi-Oh of Gundam) but it's the gloriously awesome kind of cheesy. [/quote] If there was ever one I was going to skip, it was probably going to be these ones. I'll give it a try though. It's not like there others haven't been cheesy. I laugh quite a lot at some probably inappropriate times because of how cheesy and over dramatized things are. This is why I'm worried about GM-ing this rp, I feel like I don't have enough knowledge on all things Gundam to make it great.