Sabriye focuesd her ears as the girl spoke. She sensed no danger coming from her and the mass of rock had stopped moving. Not wanting to waste any precious mana Sabriye dissolved her shield, specks of light fluttering in the wind as her spell ended. Sabruye carefully walked forwards using the tapping of her staff to see instead of her feet. It gave her a better grasp on her surruunding, it helped her visualise the mass of rock she had been curious about. She found at that the mass of rock was not a mass of rock at all but a mass of obsidian. Sabriye recognized that the magic was from the old elven kingdom, but she had no knowledge about its casters whatsoever. [color=a2d39c]''Eto, foregive me. I got startled when I sensed the mass of obsidian coming towards me''[/color] Sabriye said giving a small bow before opeing her pale white eye's. [color=a2d39c]''Also, I am just someone from Solar. The actual kingdom lies 4 to 5 days traveling from here, no need to rush to get out of here''[/color] She didn't knew why the elvish girl needed to stay away from Solar, but Sabriye had to as well. She was not really searching for trouble, quite the opposite actually. Sabriye had become intrigued by the mass of magic and obsidian that stood before her. From behnd her she felt the mighty paws of Heru walking ever so softly and gracefull. She had almost forgotten about her traveling companion. She turned her head towards the mighty cat and spoke. [color=a2d39c]''I am sorry I ran off all of the sudden, but is this not really interesting''[/color] she said the first part apologetic the second part more enthausiast. She pointed at Zeke with a smile on her face, like child who has seen something new. She turned her head back to The evlish girl and bowed again, with all the geace she had acquired in her years of mannerism training. [color=a2d39c]''My name is Sabriye of Solar, and who are you?''[/color] She asked, her smile still on her lips. [@Mr Rage] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity]