[hider=Pew Pew!] [center] [h1]Freischutz[/h1] [IMG]https://i.imgsafe.org/d27c5a0869.png[/IMG][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Subject 689 “Freischutz” (Frei for short) [b]Age:[/b] Twenty-four [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 5’10”/130lbs [b]Personality:[/b] For a living weapon, Frei is strangely cheerful. Possessed of immeasurable boldness and a tendency to come up with cool (by her standards) one-liners and catchphrases, one might mistake her for some kind of shounen hero. As an extension to this, Frei makes a big deal about things like establishing friendships. If someone puts up a wall, she can’t help but want to knock it down. Overall, if one puts their faith in Frei as a friend, they’ll find her to be a reliable individual, and more compassionate than some of her more goofy, thrill-seeking antics might let on. On the other hand, it has been observed that Frei is kind of a pervert, and a bit more of a free spirit about nudity than some people might be comfortable with. [hider=Powers/Weaknesses][b]Powers/Weaknesses:[/b] Electron Manipulation: Subject 689’s primary ability. The primary usage of this ability is condensing electrons into a high-speed beam that pierces through objects without losing any speed in the process. Dubbed by researchers as a “Particle Cannon”, this technique is believed to have a destructive power on par with that of a railgun when adequately charged. Even on its lowest “setting”, the beam is capable of easily melting through thick steel barriers. As of now, the subject is only capable of firing one "cannon" at a time. And while the beam is incredibly fast once fired, it takes a few moments to properly gather the energy for a shot. Charging the beam for extended periods does increase the size and power output of the beam, but the increase in released heat could prove dangerous to the subject, thus causing considerably higher beam yields to be prohibited until a solution can be found. Furthermore, due to the focus required to gather electrons and prevent energy leakage, the Subject must remain in one spot during the process of charging, up through the point at which the Particle Cannon is actually fired, thus making this aspect of her electron manipulation ill-suited for use in close-quarters or against those with knowledge of the subject's location. For defense, Subject 689 is capable of creating an electron barrier, although at the moment this requires her to forgo the use of the Particle Cannon due to the focus needed to perform this feat. The barrier so far is only capable of stopping/deflecting small arms fire and strikes. Despite preventing damage, however, it is possible to knock the subject off of her feet given sufficient impact. “Artemis Combat System”: In addition to the subject’s control over electrons, they have also been installed with the “Artemis Combat System”. Using the ACS, the subject’s capabilities as a marksman are increased considerably. The ACS allows the Subject to “lock on” to multiple targets, allowing them to keep track of multiple hostiles without trouble. In addition, the system allows for the subject to see in the dark. Due to the ACS originally being designed to be implemented alongside traditional marksmen, it also calculates things like wind speed and a variety of other factors that would effect regular firearms. As a result, if given proper firearms training, it would not take long for her to become a superlative shot in the mundane arena as well. Due to the ACS' dependence on being able to [i]see[/i] the targets, it is possible to break the target lock by remaining out of sight for a sufficient amount of time. Blinding the subject with things like flashbangs or similar tactics will break the target lock immediately, requiring Subject 689 to re-establish her targets in both cases. Enhanced Reflexes Enhanced Fine Motor Control [/hider] [b]Other:[/b] [url=https://youtu.be/fDaispv-Mss]Theme[/url] -Has a fascination with firearms [/hider]