[@DisguisedDemon] Even without questions, you can still make a post of your character in the moment. Show us what they think of the situation or their impression of the others they see in the room, how they feel to be in the current situation. It not only helps bring the time of the story forward a little, it also helps build up your character's personality. We can better find out what kind of person they are, and it's fun... at least to me... when you can get a little creative. [img]https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F-tjv5-JQmbbM%2FUBTlvrXxtNI%2FAAAAAAAAAGQ%2FNecLw2mLLqA%2Fs1600%2Fspongebob_imagination_by_kssael_display.png&f=1[/img]