[hider=The Brotherhood of Xiang][center][b][h3]THE BROTHERHOOD OF XIANG[/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/2ixDupy.png[/img] AKA the Xiang Company, the Brotherhood, the Xiangese[/b][/center] [b]GOVERNMENT[/b] The Brotherhood is lead overall by a single man, the Prince-Captain, who is a relative of the royal family of Xiang, generally the senior serving in the Brotherhood. Under him serve the Captains, each of whom lead a company, typically between 300-800 men. These are in turn responsible for a number of Lieutenant-Captains, who are responsible for Sargeants, who finally lead the common footmen into battle. It is essentially democratic in nature; when a member of the hierarchy dies or leaves, their direct subordinates vote on which among them should take the vacancy. Should there be a deadlock, the deceased's superior can intervene and arbitrate the matter personally. The Brotherhood is not completely egalitarian, however; those of noble parentage are by tradition considered for promotion before commoner candidates, and those of princely blood are considered above both nobles and commoners alike. There has yet to be a Prince-Captain not of royal blood. [b]FACTION SPECIES[/b] Only pure-blooded humans are permitted within the Brotherhood. Even other non-Xiangese humans are rare within it, and they are almost never promoted above their peers. [b]LOCATION[/b] The Brotherhood are currently employed by the Empire, dealing with rebellious nobles within the Rainlands. They do not have a permanent home, however, aside from Xiang itself. [b]RELIGION[/b] The Qayu Issai. It is the state religion of Xiang, and holds as tennants that all gods are dead, and that one must follow the Qayu, a holy text allegedly written by Yamara, god of Sun and Earth and emperor of the gods, himself. The Qayu is not only religious: it is also the legal code of Xiang, defining crimes and their penalties, as well as dictating how one can live a moral life (through humility, fasting, fidelity, and so on). The Princes of Xiang are said to be directly descended from Yamara, and as such are worshiped as sort of demigods, their word infalliable. [b]FACTION DESCRIPTION[/b] Some may call it a mere mercenary company, just another vulture feasting on the dying Empire, but in reality the Brotherhood of Xiang is nowhere near that simple: after all, how many mercenary companies are non-profit? A better description for this curious beast would be a state owned corporation, a branch of the government of the Principality of Xiang. Its main main mandate is the education and training of young Xiangese in the ways of the world, teaching them to survive in the harsh world outside their famous walls so that they might learn to appreciate the peaceful land within. In addition, it secures the trade routes with the civilized southern lands, as well as establishing ties with foreign powers. It is to pay for these duties that it hires out its warriors as mercenaries; though that role has become much more emblematic of the organization, the Brotherhood still stands at its core for the protection and prosperity of the Xiangese people. [b]FACTION HISTORY[/b] The roots of the Brotherhood go back to the ancient traditions of Xiang. According to its most holy laws, young Xiangese, with few exceptions, must embark on a journey to the outside world once they have reached the age of maturity, only to return once ten years have passed. By doing so, they may learn to respect the peace within the walled realm. All boys must do so, whereas girls are given the option. Unsurprisingly, despite being prepared in advance for their exiles, all too many Xiangese were eaten, killed, or starved to death in the harsh world outside. It is thus that five hundred years ago the ruling Prince decreed the formation of the Brotherhood of Xiang, a syndicate of exiles which had as its goal banding together the young so that they might survive better in the outside world. Over the centuries, the Brotherhood has lended its swords more and more for the funding necessary to maintain its operations, such that today it is known almost exclusively as a mercenary company to the common people. And yet it still continues to teach the Xiangese to survive. Not all serve by the naginata: indeed, many serve the Brotherhood as accountants, merchants, and diplomats, giving the company a scope not seen in mercenary companies. For the last hundred years or so, it has been more or less consistently employed by the same entity, the Salished Empire. However, in recent years the insolvency of the Empire has found it unable to pay the Brotherhood its dues, and as such many within the leadership are seeking more solvent employers instead. [b]IMPORTANT HOLDINGS AND POSSESSIONS[/b] Though it does not directly control any castles or cities, between its members it owns a substantial amount of land within Xiang. [b]RELATION TO OTHER FACTIONS[/b] The Brotherhood is of course strongly tied to Xiang, taking all its recruits from the motherland, and in general acting as an arm of the Prince of Xiang. It is currently employed with the decaying Salished Empire, though the latter's insolvency has made the relationship quite sour indeed, and the captains are looking for another employer who can actually pay their rates. [center][hider=Important Characters] [b]WARRA LESH LESH[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/sSHlGGU.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Occupation:[/b] Prince-Captain [b]Description:[/b] The soft-spoken leader of the Xiang Brotherhood is new to his post, his uncle dying only a year ago to a virulent disease while on campaign. He rose to the position partly due to his reputation for cunning and accomplishments as a Captain, and partly due to his parentage, his father being the ruling Prince, making him heir to that post as well. He has been gone from home for several years longer than required by the Qayu. Many say this is due to his lack of confidence in his ability to rule the Principality, as due to ancient law, there can only be one Prince in Xiang, and should he ever return tradition demands his father commit suicide to permit him the throne. For now, he is content managing the Brotherhood, which is in any case nearly as demanding as ruling Xiang itself. He is known for being of a stoic and scholarly disposition, preferring the pen to the sword. Thus, as a warrior he has much to be desired, and in his duties as Prince-Captain he instead focuses on avoiding pitched battle, preferring to conserve his men by pillaging and making under the counter deals. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [b]ONA DU XIAOWEI[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/aX4m9Xx.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Occupation:[/b] Administrator [b]Description:[/b] Sharp of mind and sharp of tongue, that is Xiaowei. In this way, she is both a curse and a blessing for the Brotherhood: on one hand, her accounting is key for the organization, her steady hand guiding it through uncertain fiscal times, and she has on many occasions spearheaded ambitious and successful enterprises to improve its organization. On the other, she is acidic to deal with, seemingly unable to take a breath without subtly or not-so-subtly insulting whichever victim was unfortunate enough to have to deal with her. As a result, her fellows mostly wield her like a flail, directing difficult employers and obstructive bureaucrats to her. It is rare that she is not able to cow them into submission. [/hider] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Xiang][center][b][h3]XIANG[/h3][/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/j98mCxg.jpg[/img][/center] [b]GOVERNMENT[/b] Xiang is an autocratic society, with all power being derived from the Prince. His line is said to extend all the way to Yamara, the Xiangese god of sun and earth, and so he is revered as something of a demigod; among the duties of the Prince is to interpret the meaning of the Qayu. The current occupant of the Glass Throne is Warra Gon Lesh. All those descended from him are also known as Princes and Princesses, but by ancient custom there may only be one Prince within Xiang, and so his children must extend their exiles until he dies, or he must commit suicide to relieve them of the burden. Though the power of the Prince is supreme, he must rely on lesser men, the nobility, to administer his domain in his name. The nobles may own wealth and titles, but it is understood that the land they hold is held only at the discretion of the Prince, although occasions of outright revocation of land have been rare indeed. Commoners have a poor lot indeed, not truly owning the land they work. They have no rights to land or wealth, although in practice most lords look the other way when it comes to ownership. One can only rise to nobility by attracting the attention of a Prince. In practice, this usually happens through meritorious service among the Xiang Brotherhood, where commoner captains are generally elevated to nobility. [b]FACTION SPECIES[/b] Only the human Xiangese are permitted within the walled principality: even human foreigners are not permitted. [b]LOCATION[/b] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/I4CLJpP.jpg[/img][/center] Xiang is located in the Xia Mountains, within a hidden valley almost perpetually covered in fog. The only entrances into this hidden world are three narrow mountain passes, all other ways being barred by sheer cliffs and treacherous rockfalls. [b]RELIGION[/b] The Qayu Issai. It is the state religion of Xiang, and holds as tenants that all gods are dead, and that one must follow the Qayu, a holy text allegedly written by Yamara, god of Sun and Earth and emperor of the gods, himself. The Qayu is not only religious: it is also the legal code of Xiang, defining crimes and their penalties, as well as dictating how one can live a moral life (through humility, fasting, fidelity, and so on). The Princes of Xiang are said to be directly descended from Yamara, and as such are worshiped as sort of demigods, their word infallible. [b]THE GREAT GATES[/b] [hider=Image][img]http://img00.deviantart.net/76ae/i/2015/305/a/b/gate_by_frankatt-d9f4ce2.jpg[/img][/hider] There are three, and only three, passes into Xiang, and they are guarded by the Great Gates, massive constructs of stone and steel built so tall and with such expertise as to be said to have been built by the gods themselves. Foreign scholars speculate that they were constructed by an ancient people, perhaps even the Old Ones themselves, but in truth there is no evidence one way or another. Any who gaze upon the walls must concede that it is at least possible they are divine in origin, such is their splendor. [b]CULTURE AND TRADITIONS[/b] The Xiangese are an extremely insular people, obsessed with tradition and living the same life as they always have. They loathe change, though this has also made them a patient and hardy people. Key among their tradiitions is the rite of the Exile, wherein every Xiangese boy (and optionally girl) must leave the great gates and survive outside for ten years. Those who survive the ordeal are welcomed back as true Xiangese, who can appreciate the splendor of Xiang and her customs having now known the terrors of the outside world. To improve their chances of survival, a syndicate was formed hundreds of years ago, the Xiang Brotherhood, by which the Xiangese youth band together. This has evolved into a major mercenary company in the southern lands, though they also keep the trade routes to Xiang safe with the fortunes the accrue. [b]FACTION HISTORY[/b] Xiang has always been. So says the Qayu, and the annals of the Prince: it was created when Yamara-Amunsu created the world, the two gods then one. Amunsu created the beastkin and the abomination races, while Yamara crafted humanity, and chose Xiang as his favored people, giving them fertile lands, wisdom beyond other men, and massive impenetrable walls so that they might keep these boons. Amunsu envied Yamara’s creations, and Yamara was disgusted by Amunsu’s. From this discord, turmoil grew, until Yamara-Amunsu was torn in two, each god taking its distinct form. They fought, for centuries and millennia, and the world shook and ruptured, but Xiang was always spared, for Yamara loved it as he did no other land. In the end, the two deities slew each other, and the gods are no more. Xiang has simply been since then, living the same lifestyle, ruled by the same direct line of Princes, holding dear the same traditions and morals. And yet, some question the validity of this past. They insist that the great walls were not built by the divine, but by mere mortals, citing the need to maintain them as proof of the fact. They also assert that the Xiangese came to their land centuries after the cataclysm of the gods, from the plains of desolate lands. These views are heresy within Xiang, of course, and those who profess them openly do not do so for long. [b]IMPORTANT HOLDINGS AND POSSESSIONS[/b] Xiang is the sole city of the principality, though several minor towns dot the valley which constitutes its realm. It holds no lands or dominion beyond the great walls which protect its borders, and given that these are barren and infertile lands, home only to beastkin and worse, it does not care to. [b]RELATION TO OTHER FACTIONS[/b] Xiang is extremely isolationist, refusing virtually all contact with the outside world. This, combined with the vast distances between it and other beacons of human civilization, have precluded any official diplomatic relations. Informal pacts exist, but these mostly concern the Xiang Brotherhood. As far as the Xiangese are concerned, foreigners who want to deal with the People must deal with the Brotherhood, and stay out of the homeland. [center][hider=Important Characters] [b]WARRA GON LESH[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ufUwPi4.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 61 [b]Occupation:[/b] Ruling Prince of Xiang [b]Description:[/b] The aged Prince of Xiang is the picture of the ideal Prince; indeed, he strives for it. He is a renown swordsman, traditionalist to the point of fanaticism, and above all as unyielding as a mountain. His coldness is legendary, to the point of sociopathy: they say he took delight in rushing home as soon as his Exile was over, forcing his mother to kill herself so that he might rule instead, and raising his children with hardness excessive even by princely standards. He is, by all accounts, an unpleasant man. [/hider][/center] [/hider] [@Flagg] Done my sheet