"Why is he reaching for his gun?" Jennifer nervously shifted her weight, causing a sharp pain from somewhere in her midsection to leave her nearly breathless. "Fuck...I don't think he's safe. I know he said for us to stay in the car, but we're sitting ducks here. Besides, I can't run away if I wanted to, not like this..." She looked up at Vin, then to Jack sitting in the front seat who hadn't bothered to say a word either. "You two are unbelievable." With much effort, Jennifer sat up and opened the backdoor of the vehicle. She shook off Vin's hand as he reached for her asking her to stay inside, but she wouldn't have it. She wasn't risking her life to save Nate, but she wasn't going to sit around and likely get shot by some stranger because he hadn't had enough cups of coffee for the day. Did she plan it through? Definitely not, but she couldn't think straight with the injuries she had, and her pain and anger had become a deadly mix at this point.