[@ImportantNobody] [i]Flashing lights, roaring laughter, the steady drone of traffic accentuated only by the occasional honk of a horn. Donny slipped through the masses like a fish through water, coming close but never quite making physical contact. He weaved between lovers and stepped over drunken vagabonds. He was on-duty, tasked with finding some sore loser that had stabbed a casino owner's brother-in-law. He had left his phone number behind, having given it to a particularly attractive waitress. Certainly they could have called the cops instead, surely would have had the victim been a commoner. But no, family was in the hospital. They wanted the specialist, who would have no qualms about making the loser's last days on Earth as miserable as possible. A stint in the cage was too gentle. Donny was returning to his vehicle, parked a good tenth of a mile from the casino. You don't shit where you eat. He paused suddenly, lead foot hovering over the trash adorned pavement. His sharp eyes narrowed upon something unusual across the street...[/i]