[@BlackPanther][@Wick] Posting this from my phone. [hider=My Hider] [color=B0C4DE][b][u]Name:[/u][/b][/color] Nasia Martel (Originally Kira Aleksandrov) [color=b0c4de][u][b]Age:[/b][/u][/color] 35 [color=b0c4de][u][b]Type:[/b][/u][/color] Human [color=b0c4de][b][u]Affiliation:[/u][/b][/color] Supernatural allied with Talith [color=b0c4de][b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ugm8bQO.jpg[/img] [color=b0c4de][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] Loud and proud; that is the best way to describe Nasia Martel. While she doesn’t necessarily go looking for fights, she won’t refuse when one comes her way. She gets thrill out of a good fight, especially the shocked expression her opponents get when a short Russian girl tosses them around like a pillow. At the end of the day, however, Nasia is a kind-hearted woman who dearly loves her sister Lena, and is devoted to Tori. [color=b0c4de][b][u]History:[/u][/b][/color] The story of Nasia and Lena Martel began in tragedy. Originally born Kira and Yuliya Aleksandrov, Kira’s first demonstration of her power was at age 8, when she threw a temper tantrum and accidentally demolished the apartment building they lived in. Kira emerged unharmed, but Yuliya’s right leg was completely crushed and both their parents were among the dead. Kira didn’t understand how but she somehow knew that it was her fault, and her guilt sent her into a depression. The two were placed in an orphanage, where Kira was routinely harassed by a cruel boy named Gregor. She endured his torment in silence, seeing it as her punishment for killing her parents and injuring her sister. She even, for a time, considered committing suicide. The only thing that kept her going was Yuliya singing her to sleep every night. For four years, that was their life. Then Gregor finally became bored of tormenting a girl who never fought back, and turned his attention towards her crippled sister. This was the final straw for Kira; hurting her was one thing, but Yuliya had suffered enough. She lashed out, snapping his neck and nearly tearing off his lower jaw with a single punch. Unrepentant, but now very much frightened by what she could do, Kira took her little sister and ran. After spending another year and a half living on the streets, the sisters eventually found themselves on the doorstep of the Moscow branch of Angel’s Embrace. There, they were taken in by the club’s owner, Tori. It could easily be said that that was the day their lives truly began. Kira learned that her powers didn't make her freak, and under the demon’s loving tutelage she learned how to restrain herself. Talith also paid for Yuliya’s new leg, who discovered her affinity for magic. To this day, the enchanting singer’s voice is responsible for many of the wards that protect Angel’s Embrace. In the arms of their new family, the two sisters thrived. For a time, Kira served as a waitress and bouncer for the Moscow club, but she found the work unsatisfactory. She wanted to really use her strength. So, at the age of 16 and equipped with a new identity, Nasia Martel joined the Russian Army, where she excelled. Unfortunately, Nasia also had discipline problems. She frequently argued with orders she disagreed with, tended to get into fights with other soldiers (some of which she incited), and overall was simply very rowdy to be around. The fact that she stayed four years is a testament to her stubbornness and usefulness, but finally Nasia was dishonourably discharged for getting into a fight with a superior officer (whom she did not kill, thank you very much). Following her discharge, Nasia either worked as her sister's bodyguard (who was now enjoying a successful singing career under the name Lena Martel), worked security for a few different companies, and even worked for a PMC based out of the States for a while. If there was ever anything that Mistress Talith needed, however, Nasia was fully prepared to supply it. The debt of gratitude that she owed the demon was one that could never fully be repaid. [Color=b0c4de][b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b][/color] Abnormal strength and durability: Nasia is extremely strong and tough, being able to easily heft 100 tons and deliver powerful blows. Her body is equally durable and dense, being able to withstand great weight and pressure, while her skin is very difficult to pierce. Fragmentary Tremor: Nasia is able to generate energy bursts from her body that cause objects to explosively shatter, effectively turning anything she touches into a live grenade that she can detonate at will. Alternatively, she can channel this energy into tremors and shockwaves. She can also fire these energy bursts from her fingers, but doing so means that any object struck will immediately shatter. [Color=b0c4de][b][u]Weakness/weaknesses:[/u][/b][/color] Nasia is very tough and durable, being able to withstand immense amounts of punishment, but she isn’t invulnerable. She has the same weaknesses as any ordinary human, it simply takes more effort. She is also mildly allergic to shellfish. [Color=b0c4de][b][u]Other:[/u][/b][/color] Nasia’s sister Lena Martel learned to sing from a Siren in the Athens branch of Angel's Embrace. Her concerts are famous for invoking a sense of peace and tranquility, for which she is adored by her fans. Her Russian citizenship was also revoked and she is banned from entering the country for her very public criticism of the government's policies. Lena primarily channels her magic through her voice. Like many Russians, Nasia can come across as somewhat dour to those whom she is not friendly with. Those who are, however, usually end up leaving with back pain or bruised ribs from the affection she heaps on them. [/hider]