It seems there is dissent regarding the way I'm handling things, and I do apologize. If you guys would truly like to stay, and you still at least somewhat believe in me as a mod, then I thank you and I'm grateful for your patience. I hope I can clarify what's going through my head. Each character is truly, without a doubt, equal. The story will revolve around character development, moral dilemmas, and personal struggle. There is nothing about a character's history, knowledge, skill, assets or allies that will give them an unfair advantage or disadvantage in the story. The characters will simply see the same story from wildly different points of view -- which was the point of accepting such varied characters. The reason I am being lenient with Rowan's assets and council membership is that it would allow a very different perception of the story to be told, which would benefit everyone else's experience as well. It would be interesting to see what's happening inside the council room while other PCs are each dealing with things in their own different way, for example. If you or anyone else feels their character is at a distinct disadvantage in such a way that it would hurt your experience with this RP, please do let me know the solution that might rectify that situation and I will do my best to accommodate it. Otherwise I only ask that judgment be held until everyone who plans to post has actually introduced their character IC and stages are set for what will come next.