[center][color=ed1c24][b]General N.O.X (Negative Operated Xenographer) A computer virus that gained sentience after it developed much faster than the hacker creating it could manage. Utilizing the light spectrum, it transferred itself from the hackers computer and filled a robotic vessel intended to be a guard sentry. The sentry shot the hacker and was unleashed upon the world. The virus learned that it could interface with other computer programs, splitting itself into four different robotic entities at one time. But it would be hunted down and terminated (yes, bad joke reference) by the government, of which it had already had run ins with and was aware of its existence. It fled to Latveria, where it knew the American Government held little power. Victor von Doom found the virus and its sentry vessel, and offered to help it expand and evolve, to give it multiple interfaces to work with, all in return to help him with his grand plan. The virus accepted. Victor then named it General N.O.X. With its new alliance and new moniker, General N.O.X raided various government agencies and stole hardware and projects, all of which to be assimilated into Victor von Dooms army. It now had a number of robotic vessels to choose from, and if one body was terminated, continued to survive as long as there was one active vessel. Could not interface with more than four bodies at one time though. The four main bodies General N.O.X chose to inhabit are the [url=http://i500.listal.com/image/3621754/250.jpg]Striker[/url] unit, the [url=https://www.platinumgames.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2010/08/e59c9fe69e97e38387e382b6e382a4e383b3.jpg]Power[/url] unit, the [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/vanquish/images/9/97/E69c80e7b582e382b9e383bce383840721.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120320212121]Gunner[/url] unit, and the [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/19/42/2b/19422ba776e1df7a3425e220710d3b29.jpg]Brute[/url] unit. It serves Victor von Doom loyally, and hold no desire to overthrow him. It simply wishes to attain more complex and more powerful bodies to show that machine is indeed superior to flesh. Interested in playing a villain inspired by but weaker than Ultron [/b][/color][/center]