[center][h1]BAMF VS Holden[/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d6/5d/9c/d65d9c2d057cb7d3ef8645e7691dc62f.jpg[/img][img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/85d5/f/2016/202/3/0/new_canvas_by_simsterd-daask91.png[/img] [u]Location:[/u] Atrium [u]Interactions:[/u]Fighting each other [/center] An akuma, a real life akuma. Holden's black pupils actually widened at the sight. He hadn't been sure, not when he first saw the creature scale the walls and take position out of sight but he could clearly see it now, the pitch black eyes consumed by darkness and the pointed tail whipping back and forth as it spoke the human tongue. Needless to say, Holden acted quickly. Now, Magnus may not be many things, but he is lucky; not as lucky as Longshot or prediction masters, but that little bit of chaos on his mother's side can be both blessing and boon. Leaning sideways he was letting the chair slowly rotate as he bent over backwards like a twisted cat to impress his flexibility when the first kunai sunk into the leather, right where the middle finger would be on his hand if he hadn't lost it earlier. That got him to act without burdening his mind with thought, a nearly zen state of reaction as he shot himself like a cannon out of the chair and over the table as the second kunai went soaring past where he once was. The azure mutant did not even notice that it was a ninja tool being used on him yet, it could just as easily be gambits card, angels fletchings, or machine gun fire. He bounced his back on the stage and rolled into a splayed crouch. As he rolled, his hand brushed over the pouch fastening and drew his own weapon. What he said next was not German but it would certainly make the asgardians blush and ponder the physical imposibility of Magnus's suggestion. A suggestion that fell short of a sudden spray of smoke. With a toss of the black orb, a cloud of mist enveloped the stage, making way when the assassin shot through the wall of black and gray with kunai in hand. Magnus saw the knife in the chair finally, followed by the movement of the orb, now alert to the assault, and then all was obscured in mist. This way was familiar to him, intimately so. flipping his blade to an ice-pick grip, he threw himself straight up with both his legs and his tail for extra oomph. He felt something strike the heel of his boot and went with the strike to add momentum to his flip as he landed in the smoke again, on his terms. Now he changed his speech to something far less celestial. "Shinobu wa, dete kimasu. Watashi wa anata o korosu tame ni nani no chumon o motte imasen!" Magnus did this for two reasons, first was to see just what sort of assassin he was dealing with, and second was to let him test the sound absorbency of the mist to adjust how to listen for approach. He got his answer in the form of a faint whistle, all that was needed for a swift turn and step, ending with him falling back on his tail as the thin blade of a kunai knife cut through the air, gripped tightly as it came slicing apart the smoke but barely missing the mutant's neck who smirked as he got the second closest shave of the day. "Akuma wa, sono seishitsu ni shitagau koto o chūmon suru hitsuyō wa arimasen." Blade at the ready, foot sliding back as the two ninja's stood in the midst of the man-made fog, black pupils scanned their target before accelerating, shooting forward with a flying knee. Magnus pushed himself back up into a standing position as he heard the words and just like that everything made sense. He threw himself forward as well, seeming to attack with the knife in a wide hay maker stab, only for him to drop the razor sharp flute mid swing and go for a knife hand chop. the dropped kunai was grasped by the prehensile tail and tried to stab the other in his knee. The blade thrust but missed its target, silvery metal cutting the assassin's leg as he adjusted, hand catching the tail right before it cut too deep as he hit the ground. He yanked the appendage and the force slid him beneath the mutant's legs landing behind him as Magnus' knife hand grazed the killer's chin. "Watashi wa akuma no gozen, Watashi wa totsuzenhen'i-tai wa yo!" "Uso..." The assassin responded, coldly. He went for the assault, ready to kill the demon once and for all. But suddenly, he stopped... "That's enough of that." A voice spoke from the clearing smoke. Holden took one step forward before falling over, three needles sparking with electricity sticking out of his back as he lay unconcious on the floor. "New recruits, not gonna say I'm disappointed but well.." Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, stepped onto the stage, bracelet still surging with sparks of tamed lightning as she watched the unconscious boy lie still. ", let's try and avoid anymore personal demonstrations, shall we?" Magnus looked at the sleeping ninja as he disentangled himself and checked his tail for breaks or sprains. "You all saw it, that orphan attacked me!" he quoted from a webcomic he liked to read as he put his kunai away, taking one of the others as well for later as he went back to his seat. "One in the chair, another somewhere... the ball, and the one in his hand, or was it two?...sorry about that, um, I guess I should mention I am a Japanese speaking Shinobu taught by Psyloche? the Japanese was just to fill my foreign language requirement to graduate, and anime." He took his seat, and the knife in it, putting them both away for now.