Does anyone else think that the whole island looks like a dragon (or maybe something else)? With it's mouth being the cinderlands and appropriately, the place is teeming with steam vents and geysers. Then the arms of azoth being an actual arm, claw-like in shape. The belly of the dragon is the poisoned sea, perhaps where it was wounded and where bile is leaking out in ichor. The broken coast it's spines on its skiull. Then the Rainlands, the most untouched of all, it's chest and breast where such a creature would likely be most scaled and protected? ...It is an interesting point to me that perhaps might shed light on the origin of ichor, and though sadly, I must say that I am unable to join this RP anymore due to some other events happening in the forsaken realm we call reality. I wanted to make a guild-conglomerate that bases it's commerce on excavating the ruins of ancient civillizations in the arms of azoth, with it slowly becoming a nation as the salished are dwindling in influence throughout the roleplay. :).