[quote=@Krayzikk] At this point, to be completely honest, I think we'd be cutting out all the reasons to play a UC-based Gundam game. And actually F91 [i]was[/i] set around the Federation, just not including Zeon. The Federation was just really weak and borderline unrecognizable by the time of F91, and there wasn't much of a focus on the fact that the soldiers helping Seabook were from the Federation. But I digress. The point is that cutting out the conflicts between Zeon (and its derivatives) removes pretty much all of the defiining aspects of everything up until the Late UC era. And the alteration of the timeline needed to make it fit really takes away any incentive to use the UC. If you're choosing to make a game that doesn't directly involve the setting's actual conflicts, then there really just isn't a point in using that setting. It's several unnecessary leaps in logic to explain why there are no Gundams for the PCs yet, too; Gundams were not at all common. They were all [i]very[/i] limited production, if not completely unique. There's no explanation needed for [i]why[/i] we don't have any, because it's not a given that we [i]would[/i]. We're just not in a situation where we would have any. But given the sort of setting changes you guys would seem to want, it honestly seems like it would make more sense just to craft an AU whole cloth. [/quote] I never said we should cut out the conflict. I said we should play a party that has reasons for hating BOTH sides. The conflict would still be there (where do you think all those shipwrecks and stuff came from) we just wouldn't be actively e taking part in it. The idea is for the hypothetical party to potentially be on the run from both sides. Not every Gundam protagonist has to be some living legend like Amuro, you gotta have your occasional Bernies too.