Here's a bit of extra info on Feikania, Oskamoore amd Tzienna, just as a reference point. [hider=Feikania] [center] [h1] Feikania [/h1] [/center] [center] [img] [/img] [/center] Faction Name: The People’s Republic of Feikania Alias: Feikania Government Type: Whilst technically a democracy, In reality Feikania is a strict autocracy, governed by a council Faction Species: Humans, Valoth, Dratha, and captive Beastkin. Location: The border between Meridion and the Eastmarches. Faction Religion/Ideology: The Sacred Hinoria Patriarchate : A religion which traces its roots back to the days before the sundering, Hinoria preaches unity between church and government; citing the rulers of Feikania as divinely appointed champions of the faith. The Patriarchate worships the mighty Taouan’Hai; the Sun Lion, Eternal Emperor of creation, and Keeper of Peace. Faction Description: Feikaina is an almost entirely self-sufficient city-state, sealed off from the rest of the outside world by enormous stone walls; a technological marvel in their own right. Governed by an oppressive militant regime known as the Seikai, Feikaina is one of the few truly safe places left in the region; even if that safety comes at the cost of complete and utter submission to the City-States supposedly benevolent overlords. The current head of the Seikai is Grand General Ermolia Karasu. Faction History:The People’s Republic has come a long way since its earliest days, when it was little more than a cluster of savage clans, squabbling over patches of land around what is now the Sullied Coast. The faith of Taouan’Hai brought the natives together, and that unity helped the once primitive people grow into a thriving eastern civilisation. The current leaders of Feikania are the descendents of those who used the cataclysm to seize power, and govern with the same authoritarian principles as their forefathers. [hider=Important Characters] Name: Grand General Ermolia Karasu. [img] [/img] Description: A brilliant military tactician, and cunning political strategist, Karasu brought his household out of ruin, and seized control of Feikania with brutal precision. Under the old Grand General, Feikania was slowly slipping into obscurity, but Karasu’s vicious tactics and iron will have re-asserted the city-state’s place in the world. He is a cold man, and is far from a merciful ruler, but no one can question his succes. Name: Magistrate Deemah Garlott [img] [/img] Description: Feared and hated by almost all the other magistrates, Deemah was responsible for the biggest crime wave Feikania has ever known, but is also the man who brought about its end. Born the son of a common whore, Deemah was raised in the most lawless corners of Feikania, and rose to prominence as a sadistic crime lord. Through legitimate fronts, Deemah expanded his business opportunities and climbed the social ladder, solidifying his image as a force to be reckoned with. In return for a place on the Seikai, Deemah seemingly solved Feikania’s growing crime problem, when in reality he simply moved his thugs into more legal lines of work. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Tzieania] [center] [h1] Tzieania [/h1] [/center] [center] [img] [/img] [/center] Faction Name: The warring peoples of Tzieania Alias: The Sentinels/The Chainless Government Type: Loose autocracy/ Anarchist Faction Species: Humans, Abhumans, Beastkin Location: Situated inside a nearly inhospitable lagoon of ichor in the midst of Sour Fenn, and riddled with abhuman degenerates, Tzieania is a loose cluster of bandit settlements and raider outposts living in the shattered remains of an ancient city. Faction Religion/Ideology: N/A Faction Description: The alliance which binds the Chainless together is tenuous at best, but their hatred of the Sentinels runs thicker than their hatred of each other. The Sentinels, on the other hand, are a loosely regulated band of warriors and settlers, who try desperately to enforce structure upon the people of Tzieania. Though the Sentinels have achieved some success, the Chainless take great strides to block their every move. Faction History: Perhaps, before the cataclysm, there was order in Tzieania; but all that remains of those times is the name of the city itself. Tzieania was hit hard by the apocalypse, and now stands as a rotting carcass of a city, with a few scraps of life clinging to its bare bones. [hider=Important Characters:] Name: Louise Couriere [img] [/img] Description: Louise Couriere was never meant to be a leader. She’s the daughter of the brother of the man who was squire to the once leader of the Sentinels. But the war with the Chainless has cost the Sentinels dearly, and Miss Couriere is the closest thing that these militia-men have left which resembles a leader. She's a popular general, charming when she needs to be and fierce when it's required of her, but even still she’s got a lot left to learn about leading her people. Name: Warlord Sangstreux [img] [/img] Description: The most bloodthirsty and ruthless warrior from a city full of bloodthirsty and ruthless warriors, Warlord Sangstreux grew up as a member of the Twisted Hand clan, where he became infamous for his untamed sadism. As a boy he would single out the weakest children, often beating them to death, and torture rodents which infested his village. After he was caught sleeping with the daughter of the then chieftain, Sangstreux was exiled from the Twisted Hand, and cast off into the depths of Tzieania. The clansmen thought never to hear from Sangstreux again, but he returned later that year; with an army of beastkin snapping at his heels. The Warlord swept over the Twisted Hand, and forced them into submission beneath his barbaric dominion. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Oskamoore] [center] [h1] Oskamoore [/h1] [img] [/img] [/center] Faction Name:The City-State of Oskamoore Alias: Slaver Town Government Type: Autocracy Faction Species: Free Men: Humans. Slaves: Abhumans and Beastkin. Location: The Sullied Cost. Faction Religion/Ideology: Religion was long ago abandoned by the Oskamoorians. Fear governs the streets of Oskamoore, and all that drives its people is a desire to survive long enough to see their next sunrise. Faction Description: Oskamoore is governed by the Archons; a council made up of the wealthiest, and most devious merchants that the city has bred. What passes for law in the city-state is enforced by the Archon’s own private armies, who are little better than gangsters. Faction History: In days gone by, Oskamoore was a peaceful and prosperous city-state, one of the great trading hubs of the south, but it has since descended into a land of madness and depravity. Having been rocked by the earth-shattering cataclysms which pollute Azoth, the Oskamoorians survived by preying on neighboring cities, looting and pillaging whatever hadn’t already been swept away. Now a capital of criminal activity along the Broken Coast, Oskamoore’s chief exports are slaves and contraband items of the darkest nature. [hider=Important Characters:] Name: Lord Kanaerian [img] [/img] Description: Kanaerian has come a long way since his days as a street thug. He taught himself to read, write, and speak well, then started bribing and backstabbing his way to the top of Oskamoore. Kanaerian got to where he is now by making sure those who stood against him quickly regretted their decision, and showering wealth upon those who fought for him. Although ruthless, Kanaerian is a relatively reasonable megalomaniac, and is not above offering second chances to those who fail him. Name: Lady Bloodrose [img] [/img] Description: Born a slave, the woman who would become Lady Bloodrose gained the Archon’s attention when her exceptional craftsmanship became apparent. She was brought from her owner by one Lord Grimm, and put to work in his own private forge. With the help of her fellow slaves, Lady Bloodrose began constructing weapons in secret, until she and her brothers and sisters in chains were able to take seize control of Grimm’s Household in a bloody Coup d’etat. Bloodrose then entered a partnership with Lord Kanaerian, and worked her way up to the rank of Archon some years later. [/hider] [/hider]