While Nate was doing whatever it was he was doing. Eli took a few steps back and turned to walk back to the truck. "Eric, I need you get them back to that cabin we met at earlier, the one near the river. Be polite, feed them, and make them comfortable. If they want to leave, let them and Eric, whatever you do, no matter what happens... You two stay safe." Eli said leaning in the truck. "And you just keep on keeping on jack." Eli reached to give a scratch behind the ears. Eli opened up the door to truck can and reached behind the seat and pulled out his own shotgun. A sawed off twelve gauge, pump action shotgun. It had been a truck gun for so long, Eli more often than not forgot about it. He checked to make sure it was loaded to the brim. He looked up for some a second and met Christi's eyes. "Sweetie, you get uncomfortable, they touch you, they do anything to you that you didn't invite. Just let me know and I'll take care of it. Running ain't gonna help anything." Eli said looking her in the eyes. A nod was her reply. "Good girl." Eli walked back to where he was standing before. He should have waited for Nate to get back but he wasn't gonna stand out here much longer. Eli started walking towards the Nate and the two others." Ya'll need to move, we gotta go. Longer we stand out here, worse things can get." Eli said holding out the sawed off for Nate.