[center][@Scarifar] [h2][b][color=39b54a]Doomguy[/color] - Gourd Lake[/b][/h2][/center] As the hefty space marine and the sneaky spy unit traverse through the shores of the lake, they eventually arrive at the boat dock. Surely some supplies were around in the shed right? But as he approaches the dock, he soon realizes that they were not the only ones around here. He can see three people congregating on the docks. However, these guys didn't look like the most normal of folk. There were two men, one having some strange robe, and a girl with blue hair. They didn't look hostile, but before Doomguy heads into the dock, he was stopped by the Spy as he grabbed his shoulder plate. "[color=9e0b0f]Wait,[/color]" Doomguy simply turned his head at his direction, as if he was thinking on challenging him. But of course, this was just an insignificant man, and not a corrupt corporate business CEO like Samuel Hayden. He simply stopped and let the man pass ahead of him. He can see Spy pull out a knife and a watch, suddenly turning invisible as he supposedly inspects the group. The marine didn't see a real need for him to do so, but then again, he's an imposing space marine that has killed thousands of demons back in his universe. While he considers on just barging in and trying to find some more ammo for his weapons, he simply waits in the trees, taking out his trusty shotgun and cradling it in his hands. [hr][hr] [center][@Kafka Komedy] [h2][b][color=black]Bayonetta[/color] - [color=39b54a]Hyrule Fields[/color][/b][/h2][/center] As the two head towards the nearby castle, Bayonetta quickly shoots down the oncoming horde of skeletons, using her weaponry quickly and efficiently. They just keep on coming! At least these skeletons are hilariously weak towards the Umbra witch herself. Too bad they weren't Angels. [color=00a99d][i]"So, Are you from around here? We're kinda lost."[/i][/color] Blu asked. [b][color=black]"Sorry dear,"[/color][/b] the witch replies as she decapitates a skeleton with a kick of her heel, [b][color=black]"I just happened to arrive here minutes ago."[/color][/b] Blu then says something else. [color=00a99d][i]"Hey, this is Red. We're from Cloudbank. Who are you?"[/i][/color] [b][color=black]"Bayonetta or 'Cereza.'"[/color][/b] she replies casually, [b][color=black]"Take your pick. Never heard of this 'Cloudbank' you speak of. Don't tell me it's a bank where you get your cloud deposits!"[/color][/b] She joked about this of course, but regardless that wasn't the main question.