[center][h3][i][color=fda5e7]Aerienna[/color] and [color=c2a5fd]Aymiria[/color] Cassiel[/i][/h3] [color=fda5e7][sub]Former Bride of Lugft Huron [@agentmanatee] and sister-bride to Atallia Faeron [@NarcissisticPotato][/sub][/color] [color=c2a5fd][sub]Bride of Zakroti Unalim [@darkwolf687], sister-bride to Kasari Liesma [@WeepingLiberty][/sub][/color][/center] Miry glanced up to Ayltam for only a moment before focusing on Aery again, taking the handkerchief and gently dabbing at the tear tracks on her sleeping sister’s face. [color=c2a5fd]“I don’t know. All I know is that she’s here, and she’s hurt…”[/color] she murmured. At Qeynate’s harsh question she tensed, arms tightening around Aery and pulling her close. Her eyes flashed up to Qeynate and she snapped, [color=c2a5fd]“It doesn’t matter who he is because she’s NOT going back to him!”[/color] The noise and motion was enough to startle the sleeping twin awake and she flailed for a moment, eyes going wide as her gaze settled on Zak and Qeynate, before she looked back to Miry and went limp again with a quiet whimper, snuggling closer to her twin and trying to hide her face. Anger completely forgotten, Miry ran her fingers down her sister’s cheek, trying to get Aery to look at her. Purely for everyone else’s benefit she asked the question out loud, [color=c2a5fd]“Can you tell me what happened, Aery?”[/color] Aery shook her head violently no, but she spoke weakly, her voice breaking and raw. [color=fda5e7]“His n-name is Lugft. Lugft H-Huron.”[/color] She said first, to answer Qeynate’s question. [color=fda5e7]“He… hurt me. B-both of us, maybe, but I don’t know, I—I p-passed out, after he… after he marked me.[/color] Her hands went to her stomach, over the burned-in handprint, and she winced as though remembering the pain. [color=fda5e7]"But w-when I woke up he, he was gone, and the d-door was open, and there w-weren’t any guards, so I just… left.”[/color] Her voice cracked and she pressed her face into Miry’s shoulder. [color=fda5e7]“I.. left. I l-left her. Miry, I l-left Tal there with the b-brute who hurt us and he’s going to k-kill her or worse. H-He’s g-going to…”[/color] and then her words dissolved into sobs, Miry wrapping her arms around her protectively and rubbing her back, whispering soothing words. Still possessively clutching her sister, Miry looked up to hear Kasari’s words. So the commotion had woken her up, too. It took a second for the girl’s statement to process. A… misunderstanding? Is that what she called it? Miry knew as well as anyone how risky this situation was. Lugft could break down the door any second, demanding his bride back. Assuming he knew where they were, of course – though he might just kill /everyone/ until he found the party who took his bride. And even though Zakroti had a number of guards with him, he was so small, as compared to most drakken, and Lugft was so unbelievably large…. It would not end well if it came to a fight of brute force. Miry kissed her sister on the forehead again and then shifted her, settling the injured girl down on the couch and rising to her feet to face the four others in the room. She kept her eyes away from Kasari and Ayltam, looking between Qeynate and Zak as she spoke. [color=c2a5fd]“Lord Huron will not be pleased, I know, Kasari. But I’m not letting Aery go back to him either.”[/color] She focused her gaze on Zak, scrutinizing his reactions as she said, [color=c2a5fd]“If it will make it so that no blood is spilled, I intend to go in Aery’s stead.”[/color]