Switching on the auto-pilot, Fixer un-plugged himself from the ship's computer and, for one instant, he was so inmobile, he seemed to be disconnected. Though he had a much better droid brain than his former Baktoid machine, from time to time he still had one or two problems assimilating great ammounts of information. And a LOT had just happened. [i]"Iff you exxkuse mee, I'll find ein spot für our imperial gäst. Maybe vie kann leaff him somvere instead of being held responsible of anoder human de-aktivation. Once I haf him resttrained, I'll check the enginez and the cables onze again: somzing can've burned."[/i] He said leaving the pilot seat and un-tangling and searching the yet unconscious imperial officer. "By ze vay: vat direktion isst in koordinates Vzee-Tzee FFFortzynein-nein-nein-nein? Hope it iss nott ander ball of zzand"