A gang cohort is never something people expect to see strolling down a street as nice as the one The Golden Peking is located on. Nevertheless, a four-man group of Kaisers does so, quite brazenly in fact, though said brazenness is a facet of their gang's purpose - to heal, not to harm, and to do so in a way that's noticed. Indeed, all four men are quite tall and strong, and all bear the bright green colour that indicates allegiance to the Kaisers in some form or another, though the standout is naturally the head of the pack, the Kaiser Chief himself, with his great musculature making him easily the most visible member of the group. Alas, their search for tasks to assist with has borne no fruit yet... though with the spotting of an elderly lady seemingly unable to cross the road nearby for traffic density, such a task is found at last. 'You know what to do, boys,' Nick states, the other three men leaving his side to head toward the old woman. Admittedly, the sight might seem tense at first, though they call out to her well before they reach her, asking if she'd like help crossing the road, and any fear she might have had apparently evaporates when the gang's name is mentioned. As the process of road-crossing (and donation gathering - community service unfortunately isn't cheap, and nor is feeding a street gang) is performed, Nick himself keeps an eye open for any other potential avenues of assistance, only to spy a girl who seems somewhat keen on hiding her face. She looks... run-down. Run-down in a particular way that Nick has grown to recognise rather well: homelessness is an unfortunate issue even for a city like Angel Springs, though moreso in the parts he typically patrols than the well-off places such as these. Regardless, it too is an issue he'd like to end round these parts. 'Excuse me, miss?' he starts cautiously, stepping toward her as she approaches him, well aware that a misstep could give off the wrong impression all too quickly. 'I, uh, couldn't help but notice that you seem a bit down about something. Sorry if I'm being presumptuous but... do you wanna talk about it?' [@Lazy Rocktime]