And here's the real bae. Kinda still wanna play Ana too because she's the best and I love gramma [hider=For A Better World][center][img][/img] [color=cyan][b][h3]The true enemy of humanity is [i]disorder[/i].[/h3][/b] Code Name:[/color] Symmetra [color=cyan]Real Name:[/color] Satya Vaswani [color=cyan]Age:[/color] 28 [color=cyan]Race:[/color] Human [color=cyan]Nationality:[/color] Indian [color=cyan]Personality:[/color] To some, Symmetra seems a bit on the wrong side of things, but those sorts lack the far thinking and understanding that a woman like Satya Vaswani possesses. Symmetra is obsessed with [i]order[/i], believing wholly that order is the key for a perfect society, which is what the world could use now in the wake of the Omnic Crisis. Though her beliefs are strong and her defense of these beliefs put her on the edge of fanaticism, Symmetra truly does wish to make the world a better place for people, particularly the innocent and the young. With her belief, however, comes doubts that her company has the same philosophy as she does. Due to her belief in order, Symmetra hates this naive idea of 'freedom' and those that strive for it. She knows, she [i]believes[/i] that this notion of true freedom that certain people spout and sing about is nothing more than an illusion and a pipe dream; something that would do far more harm to the world than good. Symmetra does not understand why people, when given the option, would choose to live in squalor just because it is their home. Why can't people understand how much good order and Vishkar can do for the world? Satya has a certain preoccupation for perfection, for symmetry, and is visibly bothered when people, for example, hang up a painting crookedly. She's not a fan of crowds, of all the chaos and the disorder they bring, and she always likes to plan thinks to an almost meticulous detail. Being 'careless' is how people make mistakes and how people die. Satya Vaswani is striving for a better world, a world in perfect order, and people will understand eventually. They have to. [color=cyan]Physical Appearance:[/color] A woman of unremarkable height, Symmetra has a rather unassuming presence, save the architect arm that she carries on the job, of course. Her uniform at Vishkar is a formal, stark white with absolutely no wrinkles (she would not stand for one, of course). When working as Symmetra she adopts a more loose fitting tunic, a visor, and a photon projector that aid in her constructs. Her hair is a deep black and either left to flow behind her (when Symmetra) or tied up in more formal styles (when Satya of Vishkar). She also is rather fond of the color blue, as she paints her nails the color. [color=cyan]Affiliations:[/color] Vishkar Corporation [color=cyan]Brief History:[/color] Satya Vaswani was born in Hyderabad, India in conditions that were hardly ideal for anyone, let alone a child. As a youth she shied away from others, spending many of her days alone; often she was asked where she "fell on the spectrum" which often bothered her, only serving to further drive her away from others. From crowds. From disorder. After the Omnic Crisis, the Vishkar Corporation based in southern India began aiding the broken world with means of supplying homes for those left homeless after the Crisis. They accomplished this through a technology known as 'hard light', creating physical objects with nothing more than a light source. Those with proper training could become 'architects', people that used hard light to create cities in the blink of an eye. Architects were not easy to come by and Vishkar devoted resources to training those with the potential to become architects. Satya Vaswani was one of those potentials and was taken from poverty and placed into Vishkar's Architect Academy, away from home - where she would not be allowed to return to - and more alone than ever. As such, Satya dealt with her isolation by pouring herself into her studies. Satya became one of the top students of her class thanks to how she approached her building; while her peers used the more rigid, mechanical methods, Satya used motions from a dance native to her home. As she became a full fledged architect in the Vishkar built city Utopaea, Vishkar saw a better use for Satya's talents. Giving her the moniker 'Symmetra', Satya was sent on clandestine operations throughout the world, ostensibly to spread Vishkar's influence and uphold their interests. One of these operations was to secure a development deal in Rio de Janeiro, promising the residents of a favela that Vishkar would make their lives better. Vishkar's deal was not granted and Symmetra was tasked with finding something to ensure that Vishkar would get the deal. When she could not, due to her target being too clean legally, her Vishkar handler resorted to more extreme measures. Symmetra, who was not fond of killing, looked on in horror as the flames roared through the favela. Vishkar got the deal. Vishkar rebuilt the slums. But at what cost, Satya wondered. At what cost. Vishkar instilled order in Rio in their usual manner: curfews, punishing lawless behavior harshly, and using the citizens as a labor force. Things were in order. Still, Satya believes that her actions are for the good of humanity as a whole, but doubt is constantly in the back of her mind. [color=cyan]Combat Role:[/color] Support [color=cyan]Sub-class:[/color] Builder [color=cyan]Abilities: [b]Proton Shield:[/b][/color] While theoretically the applications for her hard light tech are endless, Symmetra uses it in a more traditional way: protection. She surrounds others with a hard-light shield that protects them from harm and regenerates should it go down. In a pinch, it can mean the difference between life and death. [b][color=cyan]Sentry Turret:[/color][/b] Again, while the applications of hardlight have so many possibilities, Symmetra goes for something practical. She can place turrets onto any flat, solid surface in the blink of an eye. Though her turrets are rather fragile, they instantly fire upon the first person to cross their paths, slowing them and doing them harm. Sustained fire from all of her placed turrets is one way to have a bad day. Or she can be more strategic about it and use her turrets to protect the back line and to watch for those who decide to get a bit too close. [color=cyan][b]Photon Projector:[/b][/color] Symmetra's side arm projects a short range beam that homes in on those who get close. As it remains connected it increases in damage, to the point where a fully charged projection can practically melt even the hardiest of hardened soldiers. [color=cyan][b]Secondary Fire:[/b][/color] The photon projector can also shoot a ball of pure energy that, while slow moving, is particularly harmful. [color=cyan][b]Teleporter:[/b][/color] Symmetra, using her architecture abilities, creates a device that allows people to pass through space and arrive elsewhere. Common tongues call this a teleporter. It allows for quick movement around a battlefield or even a quick retreat if need be. It can only teleport so many people before it goes offline, but she can potentially build as many as needed when she can. [color=cyan]Strengths:[/color] An unorthodox support, Symmetra doesn't heal her team in the traditional manner. She can extend their life...provided they are smart enough to not waste her shields, and she can ensure that they are never out of the fray for long. Her turrets can provide intel on enemies attempting to flank or come up the blind side, effectively giving her eyes in the back of her head. When charged, her photon projector can catch unprepared, unexpecting sorts off guard. [color=cyan]Weaknesses:[/color] With a limited number of turrets and their fragile state, someone that can push through her defensive line can then turn around and destroy it. Since her projector requires a close proximity, she's more susceptible to being harmed thanks to the slow attack speed. Someone who can out maneuver her will always have the upper hand, just the same someone who has the aerial advantage over her AND her turrets/teleporter spell disaster for Satya.[/center][/hider]