Jacque's grip on the ion cannon's controls loosened as the ship jumped into hyper space. He let out a small sigh and rubbed the back of his neck, thankful for the fact that the ship's other defenses and Fixer's bold move were enough to get everyone out in one piece. Though he'd never admit it to the crew, he was even more thankful for the fact that he hadn't actually had to fire on the vessel. Though he was no stranger to conflict, the smuggler disliked having to take a life unless it was absolutely necessary. The still unconscious and bound Tr'an Dasheer was a testament to that fact. Fixer's question tore Jacque away from his thoughts, bringing his gaze away from the screen and unto the droid that had asked him. "[b]There's this little forest planet called Bergen's Haven that I used to stop at pretty regularly when I was a solo act. Serves as a sort of resupply station for folks in our line of work, largely uninhabited. Smugglers and the like all abide by a sort of truce there, so we can lay low for a bit without much trouble while we figure out our next step.[/b]"