GM NPC [center][h1] [color=39b54a]Loki Laufeyson[/color] [/h1][/center] [img][/img] As Loki grew to adulthood, his inborn propensity for mischief had begun to manifest itself, and he earned the nickname [color=39b54a]"God of Mischief."[/color] But as his deeds grew increasingly malicious, and his lust for power and vengeance became apparent, he became known as the [color=39b54a]"God of Evil".[/color] [color=39b54a]As a shape-changer, Loki has impersonated a vast number of individuals and things. Loki can manipulate mystical energy which allows him to fly and move things. He can animate objects.[/color] Physical attributes: [color=39b54a]Extreme strength that is normal to an Asguardian and immune to all diseases, and resistant to conventional injury Extremely long life span[/color] Has been in love with Enyo for years.