Black Jack leapt at Trick – only for her to teleport away. Like hell she was letting these people touch her. Time to be annoying and teleport spam. In a flash, her katana was drawn and she was in the fray with the other two, flitting around them like a razor-edged spark. Keeping track of the two opponents – each decidedly deadly on their own – was a fast-paced challenge, to say the least. Duck a fist, teleport to a better angle, block a sword, teleport away, on and on, the three of them in an intricate, dangerous dance. Trick had to fight to keep from losing herself between Shirley's raging brutality and Black Jack's lightning quick aggression. She was tiring. She was built to hit hard and hit fast, but she didn't have much in the way of staying power. This needed to end. Soon. Or she wasn't going to walk away from it. That was when her sword found its way into the middle of Black Jack's back. She'd learned not to stay in contact with these people for long, even after landing a blow, so as soon as the strike hit, she'd teleported away, four yards to the side. The three combatants were standing in a triangle as blood gushed from Black Jack's back. He treated it like a particularly nasty splinter. Trick cursed in her head at his goddamn healing factor. Her eyes narrowed as he taunted her and she spun her blade in her hand, flicking his blood off it. Then Shirley swatted her away like a fly. It was a testament to her exhaustion that she hadn't reacted fast enough to teleport away. Her sword flew out of her hand and landed on the ground with a clatter. Trick was shot like a bullet through the air, breath catching in her lungs. She barely had enough presence of mind to teleport herself forward in space, giving her more room to lose her momentum before she hit the wall. She tumbled to the ground, rolling and colliding with the wall with a dull thud instead of a bone-smashing shatter. Trick coughed as she got her bearings, pushing herself up on unsteady arms. Forcing herself to her feet, she spat blood that had begun pooling in her mouth. She heard Black Jack trying to direct Shirley at her because apparently it was [i]her fault[/i] Black Jack had started a murderous manhunt resulting in countless lives of collateral damage. Because [i]she'd[/i] lead his merry band of freakshow murderers to the city. Right. God, she hated him. But then the sound of cracking and splintering above her caught her attention. Trick looked up to see that apparently the rafter she'd used on Shirley had been an important one. It was now completely severed, hanging in bloody splinters. The ones around it were starting to bend and buckle, too. The ceiling was shuddering, dust beginning to fall. Trick's amber eyes widened as realization came to her. The roof was going to come down on them. Another sound drew her then to look at the far edge of the room, towards the entrance. Police officers, with body armor and glinting metal guns were starting to approach, sights aimed on the three of them. They had no idea what they were walking into. [color=crimson]"[i]Shit[/i],"[/color] she breathed out. How had they gotten back here so [i]fast[/i]? They couldn't handle Shirley and Black Jack no matter how well equipped they were, and now they were walking into a goddamn collapsing building. Trick didn't think. She just teleported to the first one – who apparently already had his finger on the trigger. A shot echoed through the building as a bullet tore through the flesh of Trick's left shoulder. She cried out, fire igniting all down her arm, but she didn't stop – couldn't. Adrenalin forced her on, as she grabbed him and teleported forward to the next, and the next, down the line and away from the danger. She had one, two, three… [i]twelve[/i] of them by the time they appeared outside of the warehouse, a jumbled tangle of limbs and guns. Trick stumbled and fell out of the mass, barely catching herself against the wall of a building. Her hand tried to catch her, but she'd forgotten about the bullet wound and instead she cried out as her hand fell uselessly, her arm unable to support her, and she fell against the wall with her shoulder. She turned so her back pressed the wall instead, and slid down to a heap on the floor. She slumped, barely managing to stay sitting against the wall instead of just collapsing wholly to the ground. Her breath was coming out in shallow puffs, her energy completely sapped by the effort it'd taken to carry so many people. Her world was spinning. Her vision was going in and out, her whole body aching as she looked up to see the roof of the building falling in on itself. In the haze of her mind she wondered if Shirley and Black Jack had gotten out in time. She hoped they hadn't.