Faeya found her way into the village of the Dark Kingdom. She had to find some sort of clothing device to cover herself. She smirked when she found a small shop full of cloaks and things of that sort. She walked in and remembered she had nothing of value besides... besides her mother's gold necklace. She closed her eyes as tears started in her eyes. [i]It's for the princess[/i] she thought to herself as if to justify the meaning of giving up her mother's necklace. She went to the saleswoman whom was of elderly age and said "I'd like to buy one of your cloaks, please." The older woman looked over the tattered and dirtied woman before saying "what do you have for me in return?" Faeya sighed and handed her her gold necklace with hesitation. "It is pure gold and has a small diamond in the center." The older woman's eyes widened and she instantly said "let me get you that cloak." She went under her counter and picked up a beautiful red and black cloak. "This cloak is made of the best material." Faeya put the necklace on the table and took the cloak with a "thank you" and "have a nice day". She felt her heart ache as she walked out of the shop. She threw on her cloak and started for the Dark Castle which wasn't too far.