Hey, [@zeldaz], we need some guys in this band! Also a relationships form would be a good idea, if you ask me. [hider=Tudor Hughes] [center] [img]https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi900.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fac209%2FKenzington99%2FSirius_Black_by_nejedward.jpg%3Ft%3D1312846323&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Ffigment.com%2Ftopics%2F376160-ooc-my-official-boy-charrie-thread&docid=HmZLzjVusU3QiM&tbnid=dxePpoX1EkZuAM%3A&w=361&h=500&hl=en&client=safari&bih=672&biw=1024&ved=0ahUKEwjvoMTVlITOAhWMA8AKHdyqAEQQMwhrKEUwRQ&iact=mrc&uact=8[/img] Tudor is rather tall for his age, standing at 6". He has thick raven black hair the curls at the bottom and a fringe that cover his forehead and right eye. He has fair skin and deep-set, cold grey eyes, like steel. He has a reasonable amount of stubble that he tries to get rid of for school, but it keeps on coming back, much to his chagrin. His wardrobe consists of polo shirts, slacks, and jeans. [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Tudor Hughes [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Instruments:[/b] A wunderkind on the flute, he dabbles in piano and double bass. [b]Personality:[/b] Tudor isn't exactly the nicest guy in Band, but he doesn't mean to be. He is usually withdrawn, quiet, and unintentionally rude. Though he has been in America for a year now, he resents people who ask about why he transferred schools and moved from Wales. Who wants to talk about 16 years of busking, slumming it, bullying, and poverty? Not Tudor, that's for sure. Standoffish around most, he tends to get red in the face around some girls that he deems as 'pretty.' The people he get along with are the people he feels understand him and his strange ways. He is loyal and kind to them, but he doesn't make friends the easily. [b]Other[/b] Tudor is a member of book club, even though he looks down on the choice of literature.[/center] [/hider]