[@Viciousmarrow][@FacePunch][@Legion02] Looks like a detail I overlooked last night. I do know there is one character, I believe it's one of Beast's who has a physical weapon hidden. Regardless, both Legion and FacePunch do strike up interesting points. Charade's powers are completely on the defense side so he wouldn't be able to protect himself if someone were to actually catch him. However, his powers are still strong enough to use someone's attack against them. Full counter, basically. Since it's 6:30 in the morning, this may or may not make sense... I would like to believe Charade did not have the sword until he went through the major personality change before the fire, after "the party". I doubt a punk rock skater called Blink Dog would carry a fence like weapon around. I however do respect Hushed's wishes and although she supports whatever decision I make, no matter the decision, I do agree with Legion that the teachers would address this. I don't think getting rid of the idea is necessary but the teachers during his forced therapy sessions would have replaced it with an alternative of some sort. Granted, like most kids, things can be hidden. And he still very much can have the sword hiding somewhere. Like how all our students have something hiding in the walls or ceilings. I do think to avoid people from feeling like they will get stabbed suddenly, I'd like you to think of an alternative, Viciousmarrow. You don't need to delete the concept but I do think you can have an almost real sword. Cosplayers make the damndest things nowadays. [hr] This brings up another matter. I do hope you guys know this roleplay has a high chance of getting dark where people will get wounded and potentially killed. Don't worry, your character won't die unless you will it to be so (give permission). The entire school is no longer in a prank war. The walking weapons aim to destroy one another. Of course none of that will happen anytime soon, since I think death and despair is a story element better saved for later when things get truly real, but I don't see this roleplay being a safe haven for any of our cast members. It's a board game of Risk, you have the white side, the black side, the potential uprising side, and those who have their own agenda or just want pure chaos. If any of you are concerned with the direction this roleplay may go, feel free to PM me and I'll let you in on some things in my head.