Name: Alan Smith Age: 20 Birthday: July 27 Magic: Barrier Magic [b]Moonless Gown:[/b] A simple yet extremely versatile type of magical art. The main usage of this ability is to create incredibly resilient magical barriers of various sizes and shapes. The barriers have the ability to be cast almost anywhere and can even be activated on reflex to protect the user. The strength of said barriers is great enough to withstand blows from a manner of high-tier magical beasts and can even resist multiple high-class magic spells before breaking, though this is greatly influenced by the wielder's state of mind and magic reserves. Alan's creativity has allowed him to use his barriers for a range of functions, including but not limited to: [hider] Creating a barrier around a target and collapsing it inward, destroying whatever is caught inside. Using barriers to target certain body parts on an enemy, allowing them to be tripped up or halt their advance. Creating a large barrier and then using it as a battering ram to plow through obstacles. Placing barriers around his fists and feet to greatly increase the power of punches and kicks. Making barriers into platforms, allowing him and his allies to walk on air. Using barriers to carry objects and people to wherever he desires. Can even be used to transport liquids like water to put out fires. Change the texture of the barriers to act like trampolines or to bounce certain attacks back at the user. Change the shape of his barriers into various weapons like arrows and spinning discs (thanks to being able to make the edges sharp) allowing him to launch a large swarm of smaller projectiles or a couple of very large projectiles at one time. Can expand the barriers on his arms and legs to cover his body in a sort of makeshift armor. Although this greatly increases his strength and durability, to the point of being able to withstand weapons that cut through solid steel, it comes at the price of making him rather slow and requires a frequent supply of magic to maintain. Not only that, making more constructs in this state is so difficult that it's practically not even worth it Morph the barriers even further into actual constructs but this takes up considerable magic to even maintain and as such he is still working on this function. As a result, he typically takes a "shortcut" by taking several barriers and stacking them together to get what he needs. [/hider] Magic Level: A [hider] History: Alan's early years are not something he enjoys talking about. His mother died during childbirth, leaving his father to raise him all alone. He eventually came to believe that his father secretly blamed him for his wife's death as he seemed to get very angry and resentful whenever the topic of her came up, and as a result, their relationship was one that felt strained and on uneven ground. This was also further hinted at since Alan displayed a love of baking at an early age, something his mother enjoyed, but his father tried to pressure him into a role in blacksmithing instead. His life was made more complicated by the fact that the community he lived in was almost xenophobic when it came to anything related to magic, regardless of what kind of benefits it could bring or if the people wielding it were good or bad. Anyone who exhibited even a little magic, even children, were taught to hide it, to suppress it and never use the power for anything, lest they be corrupted. One noteworthy example of this was when Alan was injured while trying to work the blacksmithing machinery and a kind sorceror who had been travelling at the time healed his hand. However, before the lad could show his gratitude, his father and the villagers spotted this and turned on the sorceror and drove him from the village. When Alan tried to defend the person who helped him, his father actually slapped him, called him "useless" and sent him to bed that night without supper. Needless to say, that day sparked a measure of resentment within the lad. From then on, he secretly went behind his father's back, baking cakes he dropped off anonymously to villagers who had little pocket money, skipping out on his work, and so on. This led up to the day he discovered his magic. While out in the forest, picking ingredients, he stumbled onto the mayor's kids being accosted by what looked like several oversized wolves that tried to eat them. Realizing they were in danger, his body acted on its own and before long, he found himself stepping out and raising his hands, somehow calling forth a blue magical barrier that repelled all the beast's attacks. Operating on autopilot, his shield expanded until it nearly crushed them against a giant tree, forcing them to flee. Realizing what he'd just done, he tried to explain himself to the kids, and although they were grateful it was agreed they needed to keep this a secret. Alan watched them return home and thought of what to do next...only to be suddenly greeted by the voice of a sprite named Aura whom watched him in action and believed he had "potential" as a mage. Although he tried to wave it off, she seemed rather insistent and said she would be around if he ever changed his mind. Eventually, curiosity got the better of him, especially when he stumbled onto a diary that confirmed his mother had the same powers as him. So, wanting to learn more of his strange powers, took up a role as Aura's apprentice and partner, gradually learning more about his magic and filling the sprite's endless appetite for various types of pies. Despite his reservations, she proved herself to be good company, mentoring him and treating him with a level of fondness and respect that his father had hardly ever given him. It helped too that she hardly ever took anything seriously. About a year later, the wizard-to-be found his life undergoing yet another strange twist. One day, a large group of lizard men assaulted the village, killing many innocent people, as the leader proclaimed wanting something called "The Fragment" but nobody knowing what he meant. Alan, realizing he could no longer hide, stepped forward to protect those remaining and with the help of his partner, fought off and defeated all of the lizard men. However, instead of being grateful, the villagers turned on him, calling him a "monster" and the cause for all the death and destruction. Even his own father refused to acknowledge he was his son anymore. Heart-broken, Alan fled the village, now feeling he had no place left to go. Aura came to him then, apologizing and saying she was likely the reason for all of this since it turned out she was just the leftover "fragment" of a larger spirit that had been splintered long ago. Her efforts to train him were in order to prepare him for helping her recover her scattered fragments and thus return to her former self. Realizing there was nothing left for him here, he agreed to go with her and, after she used her power to gather his few belongings, the two set out on their travels and towards an unknown destiny....[/hider] Personality: Generally a kind, friendly individual who tries to see the good in people but is by no means stupid. He prefers honesty and devotion and dislikes secrets and liars, even if they were told for good reason. Has a strong sense of justice and loyalty and will refuse to leave someone behind. Is also willing to disobey orders if he feels they are stupid or go against his own values. Is also very studious and works hard to train his magic, and as a result, he sometimes gets annoyed by his partner's antics. Guild and guild mark location: Not In A Guild Team Members: Aura, The Sprite. Name: Aura Species: Sprite Age: Unknown Appearance: [hider] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider] Magic: Due to being reduced to just a sprite, she has lost the vast majority of her magical powers. However, she still retains some traces, enough to phase through physical objects and even bring objects through with her. However, she cannot use this on other people and extensive use can leave her fatigued and weary. History: Very little is known about this mischievous sprite, to the point even she doesn't entirely recall her own past. All that is known is that she was once an aspect of a powerful high-class spirit but one day, due to a great battle, she was shattered to fragments. Eventually, she managed to gain back enough magic to manifest the form seen above, but was significantly weakened and struck with a dose of amnesia. She wandered for a time until she reached the village Alan grew up in. She stumbled onto a pie being laid out to cool and, letting hunger get the better of her, ate it all. Overjoyed by the love she acquired from eating the pie, she kept returning to find more pie, and from there, she gained a soft spot for the person who made them. One day, she finally met the man and, from there, the rest is history... Personality: A very laid-back individual who hardly ever takes things seriously. She is also rather mischievous and a glutton for anything that deals with baked good and sweets. That said, her odd behavior is sometimes her own subtle way of mentoring, using unorthodox methods to teach things like patience and perseverance, believing that training the mind is equally as important as training the body. That said, she is very fond of Alan and wishes to see his dreams come true. She spends most of her time inside Alan's knapsack or just napping wherever she feels like it. [/hider] Three Strengths: 1. Compassionate 2 Fiercely loyal to those he trusts 3. Very Creative with his abilities Three Weaknesses: 1. Sometimes lets his emotions cloud his judgement 2. Is not fond of taking orders 3. Is not as skilled in combat as some other folks, especially when it comes to actually wielding weapons. Greatest Love: Baking cakes to see the smiles on people's faces Motivation: To regain Aura's scattered fragments and earn his father's love and respect, along with making a name for himself in the world. Appearance: [hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Appearance when using his Barrier Armor: [hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Additional Details: Typically carries around his mother's diary as it seems like one of the few things that ties him to her. He also uses his barriers for a range of everyday tasks, such as carrying heavy loads for him, creating protection from the weather, and even chairs to sit on. This is what I got so far. What you think?