[h3][color=ed1c24]To the General Public:[/color][/h3] There are a few plot holes I will be addressing more as the story goes on - giving explanations and such. I do think in terms of blades, since some powers can have bladed based abilities, will be dealt with accordingly. People who require items for their powers, can't get them confiscated, now can they? Tris is obviously insane. SO. He will not be allowed a weapon. But I do think I can create something that allows a select few. Bare with me. I have a lot of threading to do in terms of the story. [indent][color=ed1c24]Added:[/color] Legion helped me think of a better way to deal with weapons! Most of this is in his words: Powers are only supposed to be actively used within the control room. Mrs. Lovelace has an armory, inside a locker for each student who owns a weapon and is required to hand it over at the end of class. He/She gets it for training but then must return it. Seniors who've shown exceptional maturity and responsibility can keep theirs in their room or conceal in public (depending if they have a concealed-carry permit and such). Hugo would be the exception that he just forgets to hand it over and just teleports out of the control room before Mrs. Lovelace can grab it from him. Considering he's already a Senior Mrs. Lovelace will have given up on trying to hunt him down because he never seemed to have used it in public and he doesn't go into the city (but that would be Beast's decision) where the katana could be seen.[/indent] [h3][color=ed1c24]To Newcomers and people that need to catch up:[/color][/h3] For the two newcomers joining the reigns [@Altered Tundra] [@Viciousmarrow], I do encourage you to read when you have the free time. Not everything, but some collabs and posts yes. I will be giving a overview in my timeskip post, but there is some collabs like [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3714872]Reputation[/url], [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3706224]Down the Rabbit Hole[/url], [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3718312]Vincent[/url], [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3772403]Delineation[/url], and [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3780281]The Red Level[/url] that addresses important things that pertain to the story. Their a long read, I'll give you that, but they're important, even if your character was not physically there. [i]Reputation[/i] is the climax of the party, that changed the pace of the roleplay. [i]Down the Rabbit Hole[/i], at least the first and second scene, brings to light why the schools are even permitted to exist. [i]Vincent[/i] is not the most important collab but it still holds value in terms of the story. The fire still very much lives in my villain. And I do believe this collab should not be overlooked. Vincent will not be a name left in the dark. [i]Delineation[/i] shows the audience my villain's view of the feud. Honestly, if you want to know a general overview of the war, that is the collab you read. [i]The Red Level[/i], the second half, shows what a stimulation room can do (to a degree). But there's a kicker. If you pay attention to the scene, something went terribly wrong - hinting at something else. I won't specify because I want you guys to entertain the possibilities. [hr][h3][color=ed1c24]To Everyone:[/color][/h3] A writer did get me thinking so I thought I'd tell everyone this: [indent]I want people to make their story arcs more prevalent. I want you guys all to take control of the direction of the story. Just because I have things planned, doesn't mean things will continue to go in that direction. You all have just as much power of the story as I do. You just need to test yourself as a writer. One of the best things about this roleplay, for me at least, is how real it is. It doesn't stray away from the darkness of human nature. But when there's darkness, there's also light. And I want you all to help me create a beautiful story. I can promise you, things will not be easy. Things will surely get intense. But together, we can create something great. I love you all and I've never been this invested in a roleplay before. Now it's time to make your story arc shine. Meanwhile, I will lead everyone to answers :)[/indent]