[Center][B][h3]Bruce Wayne[/h3][/B][/Center] [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]// Age:[/B] 17 [B]Hair Color:[/B] Black [B]// Eyes:[/B] Brown [B]// Race:[/B] American [B]Height:[/B] 5'9" [B]// Weight:[/B] 160 Lbs [B]Personality:[/B] Bruce is a vengeful teenaged boy, only a year away from inheriting his father's company, with ambitions higher than Wayne Tower. At times, he becomes extremely rageful, but these feelings are mostly internal, and are usually expressed as conviction in his desire to stomp out Netcrime. He misses his parents sorely, but rarely says so at this point. [B]Brief History:[/B] Bruce Wayne was born into an upper class family in Gotham City. His father, Thomas Wayne, was both the grass Wayne Electronics and a skilled surgeon. Unfortunately, after a night on the town, his parents were tragically killed by an electronically hijacked self driving car. In the aftermath, Bruce was placed into the care of his Butler, Alfred, and was gifted him a cutting edge Netnavi that his father had designed, Batman.EXE. For the next few years all that the young Wayne imagined was how he would take vengeance on his parents killer. Due to the fact that he lacked the skills to do so on his own, he instead dedicated his efforts to combating the forces of cyber crime. His efforts were largely assisted by Lucious Fox, a genius programmer responsible for Batman's programming along with a variety of state of the art battle chips. By the time he'd began the ninth grade his Netnavi had become a local icon dedicated to battling Netcrime and he'd become a newsworthy Netbattler. He'd accomplished this with a bit of help though. With the assistance of people like the world class Netbattler James Gordon and his slightly younger friend Dick Grayson. [hr][hr] [CENTER][h3][B]Batman.EXE[/B][/h3][/CENTER] [B]HP:[/B] 160 [B]Armor:[/B] Null [B]// Type:[/B] Null [B]Basic:[/B] Batarang [B]// Mid:[/B] Bat Claw [B]// Strong:[/B] Bat-Punch [B]Batarang [Color=Cyan]Null[/Color] [Color=IndianRed]15[/Color][/B] Where most battle-ready NetNavis project general energy through a mechanism resembling a cannon at the end of one of their arms, Batman.EXE is different. He wears a belt that holds an infinitely renewable supply of razor-edged, bat-shaped boomerangs called Batarangs. [B]Bat Claw [Color=Cyan]Null[/Color] [Color=IndianRed]25 - 75[/Color][/B] The Batclaw is a gadget useful for latching onto opponents and reeling them in, accumulating more damage along the way. Alternatively it is useful as a means of mobility. [B]Bat-Punch [Color=Cyan]Breaking[/Color] [Color=IndianRed]70[/Color][/B] He has the ability to deliver a devastating punch that, thanks to his expertise, can even damage enemies who have special protection such as shields, albeit at a variably diminished effectiveness. [B]Notes:[/B][List] [*][sub]Batman had rarely been used before being given to Bruce, but had been designed as a fighting Netnavi. Circumstance had only required Thomas use him once, when a cyber attack nearly caused the gas line beneath a costume party, which he was then attending, to explode.[/sub][*][sub]In case, something should happen to Bruce, Batman is programmed to be reassigned to follow Dick Grayson's commands.[/sub][/List] [hr][hr] [Center][h3][B]Battle Chips[/B][/h3][/Center] [B]Smokescreen [Color=Cyan]Obstacle[/Color] [Color=IndianRed]0[/Color][/B] In case of emergency, the Smokescreen chip equips the user with pellets that can shatter on impact to create a visually impenetrable veil of smoke. [B]Explosive Gel [Color=Cyan]Breaking[/Color] [Color=IndianRed]50[/Color][/B] After the activation of this chip, Batman can make up to three applications of explosive gel that is capable of destroying obstacles and causing damage within the vicinity at his command. [B]Bat Beacon [Color=Cyan]Obstacle[/Color] [Color=IndianRed]0[/Color][/B] Useful in intense situations, the Bat Beacon summons a swarm of bats to surround the user and soak up damage from external attacks. However this is not useful for ground based attacks such as a shockwave. [B]Disruptor [Color=Cyan]Elec[/Color] [Color=IndianRed]20[/Color][/B] With the Disruptor, the user can fire off a disruptive pulse of energy that jams guns for a time. This functions both on simple cannons and more elaborate or powerful items, even grapnel types. However it can only be used against two weapons before being used up. [B]Cryptographer Sequencer [Color=IndianRed]0[/Color][/B] With this tool, the user can bypass even the most challenging of digital locks given enough time.