[hider=Hellraiser, WIP] [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/3046/f/2015/092/d/8/doomguy_final_design_by_niteowl94-d8o391f.png[/img] Full Name: Berry Jacob Harmon Aliases: Hellraiser Age: 31 Birthday: October 31st [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/wolfenstein/images/9/95/Blazko.png/revision/latest?cb=20140718213053]Appearance[/url]: Berry looks like a thug, fairly simply. He is tall, he's decked in muscle, and has scars pretty much everywhere. His hair is cropped closely to his head, a glorified buzzcut if you ask anyone, and brown in color. His left eye is dark green with little flecks of gold, while his right eye is cybernetic replacement not unlike that worn by Torbjorn. Besides all this, ones attention is drawn to the jagged scar across his neck, a permanent reminder of the day Berry lost his voice. Height: 6'4 Weight: 205 lbs. Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Role: Shock Trooper, causing as much damage and confusion as he can while everyone gets into position. Beyond that, he's the pointman. Hobbies: Punching things, exercise, being admitted to the infirmary, Playing the guitar Likes: Baked goods, his sisters, friendly sparring, "The Classics", and rain Dislikes: Sour foods, needles, lies, vegetables, and not doing anything Abilities: - Enhanced Soldiers Program Experiment: An experiment of sorts, Berry is strong, fast, and vigorous even by the standards of other soldiers in the program. However, nothing comes for free. - Hurt Stick Familiarity: Berry has a broad knowledge of practically every firearm known to man, not the best in any category, but most definitely not the worst. - CQC Mastery: The only thing he truly excels at, wow be it to the being who gets within punching distance. - Second Wind: With nothing but distilled piss and vinegar, Berry can push through a fight just a little longer. Tools and Weapons: - Ares Industries Pattern Light Assault Armor: A light armor that can tank some shots, it is however made for maneuverability and speed. Best not stay in the way of fire for too long - Ares Industries XLR-48 Combat Shotgun: This particular beauty is effective to close to medium ranges and able to rip through most armors at close range, comes with an underslung grenade launcher. - Delta V boost harness: An attachment on the armor of his shins, the Delta V's give Berry additional maneuverability on the field. While not as powerful as traditional jump boots or similar products, they do allow him to jump higher than a normal man can. Plus, Berry can do a pull up. - Polly, A "Dumb" artificial intelligence that speaks for Berry where sign language is not possible or if whoever is talking doesn't understand sign. Polly speaks with a straightforward, almost business like manner and is unmistakably female. Berry could change the voice, but found it funnier not to. Family: Father - Joseph R. Harmon (Deceased) Mother - Rochelle T. Harmon (Deceased) Sisters [list] [*] Tanner F. Harmon, 30 [*] Clara T. Harmon, 23 [*] Riley R. Harmon, 19 [/list] Relations with other Team Members: TBD Personality: A quiet man by nature, inability to speak notwithstanding, Berry subscribes heavily to the "actions speak louder than words" camp of thought. Judging all by their actions rather than how they present themselves. However he tends to give the benefit of the doubt and tries not to judge people too harshly, at least at first. When he becomes comfortable around you he will noticeably soften, his posture becomes less rigid and his language much more relaxed. Hell, he might even pop a joke or two. Ultimately he is a friendly person and prefers to be around friendly people. Biography: Additional Notes: The experimental treatments of his ESP training is starting to rear it's head. Nightmares, brief moments of small shakes, and episodes of heightened aggression are beginning to make irregular showings. [/hider]