I heard that ya'll needed more males [@zeldaz]? [hider] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/a45056fac8a84587cbdda66743453e42/tumblr_o3hjyelwM01szwywco1_400.png[/img] Grover is short, standing at a mere 5 feet 2 inches. He is not the most in-shape person, either. However, it's nothing out of the ordinary. [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Grover Santiago [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Instruments:[/b] Mainly tuba/sousaphone, but is just as good at euphonium. [b]Personality:[/b] Grover's the kind of person that it's impossible to stay sad around. He's funny, sweet, and a tad naive. He loves to have fun, and is quite reckless in his pursuit of it. He's good with feelings, and by extension, girls. But he's not what anyone would call 'boyfriend material'. It's his mission to be friends with everyone, and so far, he's succeeding. This mission causes him to be too agreeable, and finds it hard to say 'no'. Grover is extremely irresponsible, but is quite dedicated to the things he cares about: music, and his friends. This happy-go-lucky personality is really a facade, but no one has seen what lies underneath. [b]Other:[/b] Plays cello, violin, and dabbles in the mandolin. He is a very good writer, and speaks a bit of Spanish.[hr][/center] [/hider] Also: A lot of people in the RP can play more than one instrument. I can play a few, but is this how most musicians are?