[color=gray][centre][h1][b]The Fourth Realm [/b][/h1][/centre] The human race always knew that there was other realms of existence, which in the early days they called it the spirit realm, the veil, the place of the gods. Later it came to be known as heaven and hell. They could interact and learn from either realm as easily as if they were talking to another human. The beings from both realms interacted with and loved the human race, but as time went on the human race began to fear and hate these other beings. They no longer wanted their help and wished to carve out a future for themselves, without the help of these other beings. So both heaven and hell withdrew from the realm of man and made up a code in which they were to follow, though they interacted with them in secret and took precautions to make sure that the humans never saw what was now hidden from them. But as time went on, some humans found out about these other realms and saw the power they wielded. Fearing that either realm would use their power to hurt the human race or forget that they are too share the earth, a small band of humans formed what is only known as the Axis. The Axis soon grew into an international organization, kept secret from the public. They claim to be the protectors of the human race and so they hunt down any demon or angel that they feel is out of line or poses a threat. The Axis also hunts for powerful artifacts that could help them if either realm attacked them. It wasn't long after the Axis was formed that they found that some of the demons and the angels had been mating with humans, creating half breeds. These half breeds were strong and had powers that were unpredictable. In fear and not wanting to contaminate the human race with "bad blood", the Axis hunted down, killed and studied these half breeds. For many years the Axis had done it's part to protect the human race and push it forward. They had many centuries without any major issues, but something has changed. The night and the light no longer feels safe, the Axis is unsure why. They had noticed an increase in attacks and the other beings being reckless in hiding their realms. Afraid that more people would get hurt or worse, they went on the offensive and began to raid any and every home, apartment, nest, and anything else that they had intelligence on. But an alarming trend began to appear as Axis agents were often walking into traps. During this time they got news that both heaven and hell were feeling uneasy, not because of the Axis, but because something was lurking out of both of their sights. Realizing that this was bigger than the Axis could handle, they began seeking the help of, what they considered abominations, the half breeds. As they knew that both heaven and hell could not help them directly as they followed a strict code, but they could help them through their unnatural offspring. [hr] [centre][h2]Summary[/h2][/centre] This rp takes place in modern times and is about our characters trying to find out who is behind the attacks and stopping them. You can be either a human (an Axis agent) or a half breed (angel or demon), there will be no full angel or demon characters unless they are side characters. So will our characters find the culprit of all the unease? Will they be able to overcome their differences and bitterness and work together? Or are they doomed to fail?[/color]