[Hider=Dr Doom]Name: Victor Von Doom Gender: Male Age: Unknown [Hider=Appearance] [url=http://m.imgur.com/3KAVloj?r]Doom[/url] is rarely seen outside his iconic armor, so his appearance is mostly a mystery. What is known is that he is horribly disfigured, to the point of inspiring nightmares upon gazing at his ugly visage. His classic appearance is that of a man clad entirely in iron. A brutal, Inquisitorial executioner. His brutal armor design, combined with his flowing green cape, invokes the image of death itself. [/hider] [Hider=Backstory] Victor von Doom was born in a Romani camp outside Haasenstadt, Latveria. His mother, Cynthia, was killed in a bargain with Mephisto gone wrong. His father, a brilliant medical doctor, was left to raise young Victor. Despite his father's attempts to care for her, a noblewoman died under his care and Werner von Doom fled with a young Victor on a cold winter's night. Victor survived the cold, but unfortunately his father did not. Doom sought to increase his knowledge of both science and magic in order to rescue his mother, whose death he blamed on Mephisto. And he did! By secretly combining technology and sorcery, Victor made a name for himself with a number of miraculous inventions, including a robotic duplicate of himself dubbed a Doombot. Eventually his shenanigans ripping off people with his inventions got him arrested, and he was slated to be killed. However, he escaped his own execution by replacing himself with a Doombot. Fleeing to the states, he pursued a college education. This is where he met his friend and eventual arch-nemesis, Reed Richards. He eventually developed a machine designed to take him to and from Hell itself to rescue his mother. Reed pointed out a flaw in Doom's calculations, but Doom arrogantly ignored his warnings, feeling Reed was trying to upstage him. The machine exploded, scarring Doom's face. After the accident, despite his only injury being a single scar, Victor was horrified that his always perfect face had been "tainted". He was soon expelled for conducting unethical experiments. From then on, he blamed Reed Richards for the destruction of his face as well as his expulsion. Victor then ran away to the Himalayan mountains, and ended up joining a group of Tibetan monks. He soon put them to work building him an awesome suit of armor to enhance his power and hide his face. He was so eager to get the damn thing on, that he put on the metal mask before it cooled down, messing up his face even more. This armor magically severed his physical connection to the world, shielding him from the nightmares and transforming him into a cold engine of logic, thus he took the name: Dr. Doom. [/hider] [Hider=Skills] #1. Supergenius level intellect- Doom is one of the smartest men on the planet. He is a master strategist, inventor, and holds multiple PHD’s. Doom specializes in physics, robotics, cybernetics, genetics, weapons technology, biochemistry, and time travel. He also has natural talents for leadership, strategy, politics, and manipulation. #2. Peak Human Conditioning- Doom has trained his body to the level of the finest human athlete. He is well-built, fast and agile. He has also displayed great reflexes and equilibrium. His physical strength and durability surpass even those of Daredevil. #3. Master Martial Artist- During his time in Tibet, Doom was trained in martial arts by the monks. He is vastly skilled in many combat techniques, both armed and unarmed, and can achieve very powerful nerve strikes. His combat skills are so great that he managed to kill a lion with his bare hands, to beat Daredevil in hand-to-hand combat and to wield Captain America's Shield as proficiently as Steven Rogers himself. #4. Indomitable Will- Doom has a great willpower. He was able to resist psychic attacks from Emma Frost and the Purple Man using only his will, to reject the mystical armor that the Soulsword provides the wielder on sheer willpower alone and while he was tortured in hell, he refused to let a single audible indication of pain exit his mouth. #5. Highly Influential Connections- As Monarch of Latveria, Doctor Doom has access to technological and military hardware. Also has command of conventional military forces; see Doctor Doom's Generals. #6. Diplomatic Immunity- As the leader of a sovereign nation, Doctor Doom often visits the United States or the United Nations for political reasons. He enjoys diplomatic immunity during these trips, and his embassy is considered foreign soil. He has even been escorted by Captain America himself. #7. Artist- Doom has shown himself to be a talented artist. He painted a duplicate of the Mona Lisa while using Layla Miller as his model. #8. Pianist- Doom has shown himself to be a talented pianist. He has played various compositions of his own creation. #9. Master Swordsman- Doom has been shown being proficient in sword combat, being able to out-duel Krang in swordmanship. [/hider] [Hider=Powers/Abilities] #1. Magic- Doom is one of the world's most accomplished sorcerers, second only to Dr Strange in skill and power. He has made pacts with multiple powerful demonic entities, granting him immense magical prowess. Among his abilities in the arcane arts, are the following. Mystical Blasts Mystical Force-fields Invoke Entities Spell Casting Summoning Teleportation Dimensional Travel Mystical Ensnaring Mystical Portals Mind Transference: By training with an alien race, Doom has gained the ability to switch his mind with that of another nearby human being with whom he has made eye contact, a process which he learned from the alien Ovoids. However, Doom prefers his own body and only uses this transference power as a last resort. Hypnotism: [/hider] [Hider=Equipment] #1. Powered armor- Doom's armor is one of the craziest pieces of personal protection in the world. Powered by a micro nuclear reactor and built of high strength titanium, it easily matches the iron man armor and in some cases, exceeds it. With it, he's strong enough to lift buildings, survive blows from Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet, and one-shot the Incredible Hulk. It is also equipped with a force field, jet boosters, and various energy blasters. Its magical barriers and separation from the physical world also give him immense resistance to reality warping and telekinetic attacks. The suit even has pieces of the true cross embedded within to protect him from Dracula and other undead enemies. #2. Molecular expander. Via unknown methods, this device can enlarge objects doom keeps with him. Useful for turning tiny pebbles into humongous boulders. [/hider] [/hider] Credit to death battle and marvel comics database for information.