"Yeah that sounds about for that bastard." Eli pointed over Eric Miller. "You gotta give that kid credit. I doubt he's worth a shit in a fight but the kids got sand. After burn this thing I'll explain everything, I don't feds or John Law coming around tracking us down. The ones pulling the strings already where we're gonna be." Eli said as got in the car. When Nate did the same, Eli started the car. His foot looked for a clutch peddle only to find none. He scowled at the thought of an automatic transmission. There was something about them he never like. As he drive forward and watch as the last of Nates group climb intobthe truck, Eli rolled the passenger side window down. "Eric, keep them safe and be smart. Don't stop until you get the cabin. We'll be along shortly." Eli didn't want for a reply before driving off. The ride was mostly silent till Eli found a small opening in the trees. Slowly he pulled in, mindful every bumb and dip in the road. It seemed like an hour in this hardly visible road before Eli stopped the car just before what looked to a decent. He checked the fule gauge to see there was about a fourth of a tank left. There was more than enough to make sure no one could anything useful out of the car. He left the car running, put it in neutral. The only thing keeping it from moving was the parking break. "Well this'll work. We'll start a fire in the back seat and let it roll. Road leads to a slurry pond I wouldn't worry about anything catching fire." Eli said before getting out of the car and lighting another cigarette. Ten minutes later the car was on its way to the slurry and that feeling of being watch crept up on Eli again. From one of his pouches he pulled out two small but high powered flashlights. He held on our for Nate and the other he turned on. "Down the way is a slurry pond. Coal ash and water from the mines. Shit is about as toxic as it get. Eats a body like it's nothing... So the car got hacked and told you to come here? I got a phone call on my sat phone. Man told me you and some others were coming. Later I got a second call telling me when." Eli said after a deep drag. "I don't wanna a tell this story twice so I'll hold off in telling you everything I know till everyone together. How bad are you hurt?" Eli asked knowing he was hurt from the very moment he saw Nate. No one in their right mind would greet him without both hands showing. Especially if they were worried about getting shot. [@Subject Zero]