Still a W.I.P., but I figured I should share what I have so far. [center][h2][b]The Islands of Thio Thijan[/b][/h2] [h2][b]Aliases[/b] The Scholar’s Paradise or The Three Sisters[/h2] [img][/img] [h2][b]Government[/b][/h2] Each Island within the Islands of Thio Thijan rule themselves semi-independently of eachother, united only under the rule of the Prophet and Circle of Magi. Though neither the Prophet or the Circle of Magi administer direct rule over the three Islands, they do set certain religious laws and practices, as well as if the time comes unite the three Islands together in name of holy war. This however is a rare circumstance. The first and largest Island named Treyc Thijan is a semi-autonomous nation ruled under and administered by the city state Oculus. A direct democracy it hold votes that each citizen is required to partake in once every other week and can include topics such as trade, taxes, and laws. Due to its strict definition of citizenship, to be considered eligible to vote you must be born in the city of Oculus, have lived in the city until adulthood (considered to be 20 years), must not be in servitude or indebted to another man. If you are convicted of a crime or enough people deem you to be unpopular enough, you may even have your citizenship revoked. The second largest Island Triyjan Thijan is ruled under a semi-autonomous city state called Espeya. Rule is often determined by the strongest warrior, often times leading to the current ruler being challenged to single handed combat if seen to have grown weak and incapable of rule. The current ruler Stasimus was recently crowned two years ago after overthrowing the previous king Dionysius “The Strong” after challenging him during the blood games. The battle lasting only thirty seconds rumors have spread questioning the legitimacy of the match. Though their rule is often cemented once they claim victory, it is common tradition for the ruler to elect a “battle brother” one whom he sees as a worthy ally in combat and advisor in topics foreign to himself. Though technically legal, the act of challenging the current ruler as a battle brother is seen as disgraceful by the people and has only happened twice in the history of the Island. The smallest, yet fairly populous island of Vubral Thijan is a completely autonomous island city state ruled under a republic. Each landed citizen of the city state of Stoc Prines is eligible to vote for a representative of their district, the southern district, the port district, the trade district, the north district, west district, and center district. Then each representative votes on matters they believe represent the people of the district the best, alongside a governor whom is elected by each district representative. Though each island is autonomous in its own right, they each have a what is called “the council of three”, a fairly large body of representatives and people built to discuss trade, laws, and various other actions involving the three islands. Though their strongest symbol of unity is through the Prophet himself, the counsel of three has taken great strides towards unifying the three once separate city states. [h2][b]Faction Species[/b][/h2] The Islands of Thio Thijan is home to a wide variety of humans and abhumans who are willing to dedicate themselves to the old ones, along with beastkin who are commonly used as slaves. Though rare even in Thio Thijan, seeing the occasional Sphinx is not entirely impossible. Many members of the circle of Magi even carry a few themselves. [h2][b]Location[/b][/h2] [img][/img] [h2][b]Faction Religion/Ideology[/b][/h2] The religion of The Islands of Thio Thijan traces itself back several thousand years, to the first arrival of the old ones onto the continent of Azoth. The land was corrupt and bleeding, creatures of detestable beliefs and practices ran rampant throughout the lands and so it was conquered. It was not long before the Old Ones managed to take the entirety of the continent, though the exact date of which they reached the most northern of corners of the world is unknown to historians, what is known is that soon they settled. It was then that they began to civilize the native populations of the Nry’kiin and either introduced or created humanity. The exact details have yet to be revealed by the Prophet himself. Soon began the time of gods. The land was beautiful, rich, man did not fear of the poison of Icor or the influence of the red gods. It was a time filled with peace and contentment. Historians place this time to have lasted almost two thousand years. However, as the peace and contentment grew, so did the sins of man. The “red gods” as many heathen refer to them, creatures of hate and suffering began to infect the world with icor, mutating and cursing the human populations. The old ones, detested by man's addiction by such substances abandoned Azoth, returning to the land of gods, leaving behind those whom they believed have sinned. Scorning their terrible practices. However, in the year of the setting sun 7,600 the Prophet arrived and granted the Islands of Thio Thijan with the thirteen commandments of the old ones along with the promise of their eventual return. [b]The Commandments of the gods[/b] Thou shalt spread the word of the gods whenever possible Thou shalt not commit to the worship of other gods Thou shalt not disrespect the image of the gods Thou shalt not lie in front of the gods or their image Thou shalt not covet another's possessions Thou shalt not wrongfully kill another follower of the gods Thou shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not steal Thou shalt honors ones family and name Thou shalt not commit to the consumption of the demon's blood (raw icor) Thou shalt defend the word of the gods in its time of need Thou shalt remain pure of blood Thou shalt remain pure of soul It was when he gave these thirteen commandments that he established the Circle of Magi, a group of powerful mages who are given the authority of enforcing the word of the old ones. Those who betray the words of the gods are tried to the fullest extent, often times facing punishment such as mutilation, execution, exile, or even death. [h2][b]Faction Description[/b][/h2] W.I.P. [h2][b]Faction History[/b][/h2] W.I.P. [h2][b]Important Characters[/b][/h2] W.I.P. [h2][b]Important Holdings/Territory/Possessions[/b][/h2] [b]Oculus[/b] [img][/img] The largest and most populous city in the Islands of Thio Thijan at around 60,000 inhabitants, it is located on the largest Island of the three, Treyc Thijan. Built upon the ruins of an Old One city, many of the buildings date back to times unknown and as a result gives the city a distinct beauty unseen in many parts of the world. Due to being arguably the largest and most powerful of the three factions and its religious significance, it finds itself in the rather strange position of holding the most power within the council of three. It also administers several different important locations on the Island including the Ruins of Naal Sconga and the growing port town of Eplye arguably making it the closest to a nation before the Prophet unified the three islands and established the council of three and circle of magi. [b]Stoc Prines[/b] [img][/img] Stoc Prines is located on the smallest of the three Islands, Vubral Thijan, but boasts the second largest and most ethnically diverse populations at nearly 30,000 inhabitants. Due to its popularity as a trade city and its immense shipyard it is home to nearly 3/4ths of the entirety of Thio Thijans fleet. Due to its rather distinct culture and people, it has resisted many of the laws and pushes for unification by the counsel of three, arguing that it would diminish the great deal of wealth that they have grown over the many years as a trade hub. [b]Espeya[/b] [img][/img] Located on the second largest Island named Triyjan Thijan is the city of Espeya. Though the city has only 20,000 inhabitants, its people are highly militarized and serve as the majority of the warriors within the Islands of Thio Thijan. The people follow what they believe to be is the honorable military tradition of the old ones. Ruled only by the strongest, becoming a warrior in their society is considered one of the greatest honors known to man, second only to becoming a general. Renown for the legendary Blood Games. A two month long tournament between the best warriors in the world to fight in the name of both honor and glory, whether they be beastkin, Nyr’kiin, abhumans, or human. One of the few traditions held on to before their enlightenment by the Prophet, it takes place in the “arena of bones”. [b]Agrar Fortress[/b] [img][/img] A large fortress on the mainland coast of the Meridion it holds the honorable distinction of being the only locations being governed by the council of three, rather than one of the three Islands. Heavily defended by nearly 1500 Espeyan elite equipped with Archeo-tech and some 4 Varrod League cannons. It is often times considered an honor to serve within the walls of Agrar, it is certainly one of the most dangerous locations due to constantly having to defend itself against things such as hordes of Beastkin, red-gods, and other demonic activity. Heald mostly due to it’s strategic purposes, it serves as a port for mainland expeditions to move through, as well as a location to import various native species of the Meridion, such as the Brouji, a large four legged lizard species roughly the size of a horse that feeds off small animals and birds, who are often used to carry people and goods across the wastes. [b]The Ruins of Naal Sconga[/b] [img][/img] Naal Sconga was a large city built by the old ones, much like the city of Oculus, however it has degraded severely in comparison to its neighbor in the south. Now mostly used as a location to study by various scholars and priests who make up the majority population of the former city. It is also the location of the great library. An ancient Old One library relatively untouched by time, said to contain the text that predicts the return of the old ones. The ruins hold the distinction of being held and controlled almost directly by The Prophet and the Circle of Magi. Though the city of Oculus officially administers it, the ruins are under the Prophet’s complete control. [b]The port town of Eplye[/b] [img][/img] Though relatively small at only 2 thousand residents, it is a growing port city in the south of Oculus. Popular among many as being the home of Sylf, a rare spice that grows exclusively to the southern part of the island that acts as a hallucinogenic. Trade has been strictly limited in regard of selling it to outside nations. The city having been established only 20 years ago, it is believed that it was built by the City of Oculus purely to curb the desire to remain autonomous in the city state of Stoc Prines. [h2][b]Relation to other Factions[/b][/h2] W.I.P.[/center]