"Shit, shit, shit, Trick!!" He felt a strange feeling like that of caring and worry. But that was blocked out by an even more overwhelming feeling of anger he felt toward Trick for all she had done. She hated him, that much was obvious, she wanted him dead. Not only that but she wanted to steal his kill from him, HIS KILL. To think, if she had killed Shirley back there.... Shirley... Oh god he had forgotten about Shirley. Was he dead? No he couldn't be. Where was his hulking body now?? Perhaps he returned to his normal form and died. Or something of that nature. Did it matter? There were cops and others everywhere, he wasn't sure if Shirley was dead or alive, and Trick was unconscious before him in need of medical assistance. What was a simple Jack card to do? Black Jack the first thing his impulsive brain thought of. That was to scoop Trick up and carry her over his shoulder, rather roughly. "SHE'S MINE!!" He shouted out to the cops. "YOU CAN'T HAVE HER. ROAAARRR" He felt somewhat like King Kong grabbing the girl and running away with her. Which is exactly what he did. Jack ran, ran as fast as he legs would carry him in his weakened state. "Don't worry, girly, I got you." His only escape was through that of the rooftops or the sewers. He decided NOT to drag Trick through the wretched smelling sewer waters and to make a break for the rooftops and leap from them like a gazelle running from a freaking cheetah. Once they arrived at his place he practically kicked down the door and ran to the bedroom. "Oh god, oh god. What do??" Jack pushed all the crap off of his bed except for the sheet and the pillow. He laid Trick down and did what he needed to do. In the back of his mind it felt wrong removing her disguise and her shirt to get to her wound. But it wasn't like he hadn't seen a naked woman before. To his surprise the wound had already began to heal, with the bullet inside. "Oh you are not going to like me for this, kid." Jack removed his mask and tossed it away to go in search of medical supplies. He pulled out a box from underneath the bed and began tearing through the box. Inside he found random things like: Socks. "No." Rubber chicken. "Uh. No." Dildo. "HELL NO." His cheeks went slightly pink as he tossed the thing away. At the bottom of the box was another smaller box with med supplies in it. PERFECT. With ease and precision, Jack used his tools to cut into the wound and remove the bullet, quickly covering the wound and then moving to stitch it up so it wouldn't allow her to bleed out. After which he wrapped up her shoulder and any other nicks or cuts she had on her body. Then he replaced her shirt and covered her with the cleanest blanket he could find. "Alright. rest now, ya psycho bitch." He collapsed onto the floor and laid there staring up at the ceiling. "I'll be here. Waiting for my wounds to heal... wish I healed as fast as you...."