[hider= Aria Greyson][url=http://dreamself.me/full.php?fg=0&ffg=0&bg=0&back=0&hat=0&accen=0&face=10639824&hair=50009084&accef=0&pose=0&top=10404383&coat=0&acceh=0&bottom=0&shoe=10339091&bodycolor=17000192&action=change&id=0&]DreamSelfy[/url] Name: Aria Greyson Age: 22 Birthday: Winter 28 Occupation: Chef Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Background: Aria has no recollection of her mother, and has had no contact with her since she was one. For this reason Arianna grew up raised by her grandparents, considering them the parents she never really had. Aria attended classes in the small school next to Town Hall, enjoying her classes as much as a child could be expected. She would often stay behind with Reed to help the teachers clean up and then they’d both walk home, or run if it was growing to be late. When she was twelve her grandfather fell terminally ill, his lungs were growing too weak and they were slowly failing. He died not much later, leaving her brother the man of the house. After his death Reed became more protective of her, sometimes to the point of angering his sister. Her grandmother would just tut at him and let the girl continue with what she was doing. Over the next few years her grandmother got the young girl interested in cooking. They would spend hours trying new recipes or making old ones. By the time she was sixteen she knew she wanted to be a chef, and during her senior year she received a large scholarship to a college out of town that was known for its culinary programs. Sadly before she graduated her grandmother passed away, it was peaceful and in her sleep but it left the two siblings on their own. Her brother had already decided to stay on the island. In the end the property and everything on it went to them. Even so, after she graduated, she went off to the city for college. The classes were fine but she missed the countryside, her brother, and even more so, the stars. After four years she graduated with a culinary degree. She moved back to the island a year ago and opened a small restaurant in town. Personality: Cheerful, isn’t one for gossip, often talks to herself, and is a people pleaser (That doesn’t mean she’ll let people walk all over her though). Appearance: Arianna stands at 5’6 with a pear shaped physique. Her skin is slightly tanned but it was once almost a golden color before she left for the city to attend college. Aria’s face is oval shaped with thin lips and deep amber eyes that are framed by long lashes. She has chocolate brown hair that falls to the small of her back in thin wispy strands. Sometimes wears dresses but usually wears jeans and a tank-top. Wears a bracelet with a set of colored bells and small, antique, charms that look like sprites. Likes: Stars, stories, chocolate, animals, jam, baked goods, flowers, and seashells. Dislikes: Licorice, turnips, burnt food, and bad weather. [/hider] [hider= Reed Greyson][url=http://dreamself.me/full.php?fg=0&ffg=0&bg=0&back=0&hat=0&accen=0&face=10633414&hair=50006234&accef=0&pose=0&top=1033231&coat=0&acceh=0&bottom=10503773&shoe=10343504&bodycolor=17000192&action=change&id=0&]DreamSelfy[/url] Name: Reed Greyson Age: 27 Birthday: Fall 22 Occupation: Ordinary Villager Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Background: Reed was born in the city but when he was six his mother got into an accident whilst drunk. Both he and his younger sister were removed from their mother’s custody. The two of them moved in with his grandparents on the island. He didn’t completely understand why they were there. When he wasn’t helping around the house, or at school, he would wander the countryside or fish. There were times when he’d be gone all day. Other times he spent with his friends from town, or with his sister. On the weekends he often went swimming with the boys from school. That stopped though when his grandfather grew ill, before it became terminal Reed spent more and more time doing random work to keep everyone fed. Then it got worse when the man was bedridden, leaving the seventeen year old on his own. Eventually though his grandfather passed on, making him the man of the house. Reed became overprotective and often got yelled at by Aria and scolded by his grandmother. After high school he went on to do odd jobs around town and help his grandmother around the house. His sister wasn’t the same, she planned to go off and leave for the city and a part of him worried it would be for good. He was twenty one when he lost another member of his family, his grandmother passing away in her sleep and leaving him and his sister with the house. Even after that his sister left for college. Over the past four years he has read every letter Aria sent home, wondering if she’d come back. He ended up buying a puppy which he named Oscar. Now that she is back he often helps Aria when she is low on staff. Personality: Perfectionist, can talk ones ear off if someone lets him, get easily flustered, has a slight temper, seems kind of cold but is actually a nice guy. Appearance: Reed is 5’11 and slightly muscular. His skin is a deep tan color. He has a round face with a strong chin, thin lips, and dark brown eyes. His hair is a tangle of mousy brown hair with sun streaks running through it. Usually just wears a t-shirt and jeans. Likes: Dogs, corn, jam, cookies, wine, fish dishes, berries, potatoes, and apples. Dislikes: Spinach, thunderstorms, spicy foods, burnt food, and carrots.[/hider]