Lexa found Jack just as he cried out. She was momentarily frozen at the sight. He'd been the last person she expected. Was he having a... nightmare? Well, wasn't that a surprise. Then he finally seemed to wake up and see her. Lexa just stared at him. Then she gave a heavy sigh and leaned back against the headboard with her eyes shut. She was too damn tired to be angry or stunned or worried. Instead she was just exhausted and annoyed. [color=Crimson]"You. Of course."[/color] she cracked open an eye to give him a half-hearted glare as she tried to piece together last night. She remembered the fight. The bullet. Carrying too many people at once, and then... She must've blacked out after that. And then what, [i]he[/i] took her home and patched her up? The idea was laughable at best. [color=crimson]"The hell am I doing here,"[/color] she asked in a flat voice.