[@Mimic] Alex shifted in her seat as she cautiously watched Zyrid settle into his position. His actions indicated he would not be leaving anytime soon, and Alex was grateful for the company. Zyrid did not seem like the type of man to be annoying, aggravating or someone to start trouble. He was sophisticated and eloquent, even if he did seem a bit socially inept. Zyrid let out a relieving sigh and tucked away his hair behind his ear. Alex took a moment to see the beauty in his structure. A sharp jaw and defined cheekbone with soft eyes and smooth skin. No scars that she could see, almost as if he had never been in any type of conflict. Or just some healing power, anything possible this place. Alex found herself staring again and she was quite lost in her own thought. So lost in fact, that she almost missed Zyrid speaking to her. [color=662d91]"So, Alex, tell me abut yourself."[/color] Her eyes shifted to the floor. She spoke as if she was still searching for her answer in the soft wood grain of the Tavern floor. [color=630460]"Well, what do you want to know?"[/color] She said as she looked up to meet Zyrids eyes. His stare was palpable and intense. Here was someone that was genuinely interested in her life, something she has been waiting for for w long time, and she couldn't muster a single interesting thing about herself. Something like how her cat is named "Toast" because if his insufferable love for toast or how she's basically a spy for her own planets government. There's nothing worse than having been asked that question and not having anything to say.