[b]"My my, what impressive displays there good Gutsy and... Boy I never caught your name in the pub although you probably caught mine from all that blundering... I blame the mutant for smashing that glowin' one's innards right in front'a me."[/b] Lewellyn bumbles, Ol'Com then awakens, going for a little walk around the clearing. [b]"Adorable little fella ain't he? Found him knawing on a Brotherhood Paladin's corpse, turns out a Mr Gutsy opened the tin can with a buzzsaw and enough patriotism to motivate an army, at least that's what the glorfied scavenger recorded... Fought with another mr gutsy over in some old base against the Brotherhood of Scavengers again... How long were you there mister tin can the almighty lord?"[/b] Lewellyn declares, completely unaware of the Paladin Lord standing in the same clearing up to the end where he then mocks Crane, going into more detail of the two battles with the goal in mind of both getting SLAG's appreciation and annoying The Paladin Lord to breaking point while attempting to get the fire going.