[quote=@Leslie Hall] I'm actually quite annoyed right now. If you want to avoid me ranting about petty things then I'll put it in a spoiler. [hider=Why Leslie is a salty sailor]Okay so tonight there was this event being held at this LGBT+ Bar for Pokemon Go. It was just a fun evening where I planned to hang out with my good friend, maybe hit on some dudes and get white boy wasted... among other things. I'd been looking forward to it for a week. However the other day one of my friends messaged me asking if he could stay at my place until Saturday because they were renovating at his house and he didn't wanna stay with his grandma because they had no internet. So I decided the other day that even though I was really looking forward to tonight, there would be other parties and a few nights spent with my closest friend would be worth way more than some party. So last night he comes over with his laptop. We have fun; watch a movie, play Smash and Guitar Hero etc. And then today I wake up and I have to go to work, so he's just chillin' at my house all day while I'm away. Then I come back home to hear that he's apparently being picked up by his girlfriend to spend the evening together. Now for the record; I have nothing against my friend blowing me off for his girl. That's the way relationships work when you're our age, really. It doesn't happen often, but when it does I never think much of it. Just "haha dude sure, catch ya some other time". The thing that's peeved me off about this whole ordeal is that he KNEW I was cancelling plans to be with him for these few nights. He asked me to stay until Saturday, which meant I would have had to miss my plans. The plans were already cancelled, my other good friend and I had made our peace that we weren't going out tonight so we weren't suddenly prepared to jump up and hit the town when I found out at like 5pm that 'Lol I'm actually going out on a date with my girlfriend cya'. So needless to say I'm sitting at home on a Friday night after a long week at work when I could have been out partying with a friend and flirting with guys. Thanks bud :P And just an FYI: I don't blame his girlfriend. She probably had no idea about the situation because as much as I love my friend, he's an oblivious tool. Also if you're wondering why I didn't just invite them to come to the party with me; a) They were hoping for something more private and, b) It was at a gay bar. While the venue is very accommodating to people of all sexualities, I can understand why straight people wouldn't be 100% comfortable attending events held there. I'm not going to insist that people come to something they aren't comfortable with. Anyway rant over. I probably sound super petty right now but in my defense; I've had a reeeeeaally long week and I could have used that party tonight.[/hider] [/quote] Thats when you make the threat to them. "Bro. I get you wanna be with yo girl, but next time you prevent me from throwing balls at pokemon and dudes.... I'll go into detail on whats cute about guys."