[@ImportantNobody] [i]Donny had, as of late, engaged in combat with a witch and a female alien. What the hell was this, the Dresden Files? Donny hoped not. He didn't like mysteries. Mysteries could be dangerous. There would be no supernatural bullshit happening under his radar, not on his turf. Let them have Detroit or Florida. Nobody cares about wierdos in those states. Donny saw the freak notice him. He contemplated his options. Were it a human he was stalking he'd have the time to go and grab his van, but Donny wasn't sure about how easy it'd be to find these supernatural types. They were good at hiding from humanity, after all. Donny broke into a light run, skipping across the street in accordance with a volley of angry horns and screeching tires. Once on Rakken's side of the street, he began waving his left arm frantically and shouting at the top of his voice.[/i] [color=f26522]"Sah! Excuse muh Sah! Yuh dropped somethahn' back theyah!"[/color] [i]Donny'd elbow through a group of teenagers and clop right up to Mr. Rakken if allowed, still yelling over the city hubub that the alien had dropped something a ways back. Donny's expression was no longer betrayed by a suspicious squint. Now his eyes were wide and concerned, but he was averting them from Rakken's face as would any good natured Samaritan who didn't want to make a deformed man feel scrutinized. A good save to be sure. If Rakken looked over to where Donny was gesturing with his left hand, he'd see something white, rumpled, and ovular lying on the pavement several yards back, a throng of people stepping over it with scarcely a mind.[/i]