As Kirugetsu yelled at his genin, his voice was muted. His lecture was left completely unheard by everyone aside from himself, and of course the culprit of his inaudibility. [i]"Aaah, mister Hozuki, just the man I'm looking for, mon ami,"[/i] was heard from behind Kirugetsu, almost immediately answering the question as to who muted the Jounin. It was Hayato, a man that irked Kirugetsu every other time they had interacted, and took great pleasure in it. A sly grin sat on his face as he continued to talk, not like anyone else could, [i]"It seems the Hokage t'inks we ought'a be in te same division, Kiru. Goro went AWOL, t'ought I was gonna get tah kill'm. Turns out, I just gotta babysit. Hosuka t'ought it'd be best if you broke the news to his genin and introduced me. Said somethin' 'bout you bein' a hero to dese kids. But..."[/i] [indent]Always. Always a but with Hayato. He couldn't ever just do something, there had to be a catch or some unneeded addition that almost ended everything. Most shinobi would swear Hayato had a deathwish, if they weren't fawning over him. This time, Hayato and his but was in regards to Kirigetsu and his plan. Even if the genin didn't hear it, Hayato did. He wanted the two to fight, but what's the fun in sparring if you don't see someone first? Hayato always saw Kirigetsu as a little dull, somewhat cynical and if anything far too serious. Hayato was far from anything like that, even if it was only his opinion.[/indent] [i]"...what you say ta you an' me givin' these kids a show, Kiru? Makin' dem fight is no fun if they don't know what the big kids can do, eh? Or, mon ami, is the master a' acid and his letter opener not up for some fun, huh?"[/i] Hayato finally asked. Hayato was always looking for a fight, and Kirugetsu was a perfect challenge. A good bit of a sport, at least in the eyes of the Allure. Hayato didn't put much thought into disrupting Kirugetsu and his lessons, nor would he ever; he was well aware that alone might be enough to make Kiru swing his sword at him, and if it was, then that was just that much less work needed to convince Kirugetsu to have a little fun.