She was in the middle of beginning to rush towards the Illithid - Chair leg held high above her head like a club - when the voice hit her. Morro stopped dead in her tracks, with a look of horror on her face. It didn't take long for her to regain her senses, and she stared in disgust at the Illithid. He... [i]it[/i] was friendly, or at least wan't going to attack them, it seemed. It, like the others, was here for the quest. She shook her head to clear her tangled thoughts, then crossed over to the table she had been sitting at again, and watched as the wizard necromancer and the squid thing came to a short conclusion to their battle. She took the opportunity to recuperate. The bartender scurried out from behind the bar with a plate of her breakfast and a firm scowl, and Morro took the plate of cold food from him with a grunt. Finally it seemed like they were done, but the quick glance from the wizard did not pass her by. She gave a quick nod back, then turned to the hulking Illithid. "Take a seat, if you want to know more about the quest. And I would thank you to speak so that everyone can hear you, in the future." She ignored the patrons of the tavern giving her strange looks, and hoped that the concealed threat would not pass the Illithid by. The number of those who were interested in the quest seemed to have decreased, and when she scanned the room she realised she couldn't see the lizard or the clown. Thank god, things were weird enough as they were. She didn't wait for the unusual pair to sit down before she started talking. "If you're going to fight each other, do it in your own time and stop wasting mine." She talked in between mouthfuls at first, and then gave up and talked with food in her mouth, spitting it back out again onto the table. Morro ignored the disgusted looks. "So your a necromancer, eh? What's dirty scum like you doing here, shouldn't you be in the mountain?" She laughed a harsh, mocking bark of a laugh. "And you, squid. Why does this concern you?" Morro paused and then grunted. "Actually no, that's none of my business and I don't care. You want to do the quest, you listen..." "This big ol' bloody mountain has risen up from the ground again. Not only does Queen Ruon not want to have to initiate a full on war, the Old Country is also Three Nations land and we want it back. So it's your job to go in there, find out what's going on, and kill as much as you can. It doesn't matter to me, but you also might want to make it out alive..." She grimaced and pushed herself up to her feet, letting the plate and fork fall with a clatter. Another scowl from the bartender was sent her way, and she glared back. "So... any questions?"