[i]Signs of people coming out on the floor[/i]...Thought Travis, repeating Nemo's suggestion in his mind as he brainstormed a solution to this new puzzle. Finding the tracks leading out was quite feasibly the best way to determine which passage was neutral. But as Raiya pointed out, it was also likely magic, as in an illusion spell, would be used to hide the previous traces from being quickly discovered and thus providing as little clues as possible in discovering the correct path. Listening in on Raiya's further input regarding the passage lamps and their distribution of mana, it was safe to say that the center and rightly adjacent passages were clearly fatal traps. So that leaves only the two passages on the left flank and the passage to the far right. All three passages they now had to select from bore hardly any differences from each other in comparison and the mana radiating from these lamps burned at the same intensity too. So what could be done to find sniff out the right path? After a bit of silence, Travis looked down at the mana crystal embedded ground below him. As Raiya pointed out earlier, the only activity within these catacombs occurred more than a century ago. Any previous maneuvers by the catacomb's architects or other former personal would have left residual traces of anything that come through here or was touched or handled. Such traces would have been continuous wear as evident from the central path or as time would often dictate, the collection of dust and the imprints formed as a result. But since there were no currently visual traces to go by, it was likely an illusion spell was indeed at work. However Travis had a solution to this if his developing theory was however accurate. It was as simple as Nero said; look for the traces of those exiting. “Stand back. I think I have an idea.” Travis announced unexpectedly. Whether Nemo or Raiya complied or not, Travis immediately began to set out to work with mana quickly began to pour around his hands had he cited and unheard incantation. A bubbly orb of pure ebony soon formed between his two palms, growing larger as the spell continued to charge. As it germinated and reached out around them, its hazy aura dimmed the light coming from the lanterns and slowly faded the room into darkness as a result. With enough of the dark substance collected, Travis finalized the spell with sparks of lighting jolting from his fingertips into the mass. Within an instant, the mass exploded quickly and violently but harmlessly passing by everyone as it absorbed all light around them and enshrouding everything in natural shadow. “Sorry about that.” Echoed Travis’ voice from the darkness as he apologized for the spell’s rather intense reaction, "The spell should fade away on its own. Shouldn't be long." Soon another spell was casted, this time a small wisping sphere of unusual luminescence. The light it gave off was of low nearly purplish yield that only penetrated a portion of the shadow that encompassed them. But what the light was actually doing, as soon as everyone looked around and finally at themselves, was illuminating the fluorescent colors of everything the strange light could reach in vivid detail. “During my time in Mexico, I had modified the traditional candle spell in order to give off an ultraviolet-light or by the more public term, a black light.” Travis explained as he produced a small powdery cube from his chest utility belt and crushed it in his hands. "Added with this stuff, it proved helpful in navigating some of the Mayan and Aztec ruins, especially with pointing out traps or hidden passages." His fingers would smash into the powder, separating the tiny particles from their compressed from before Travis blew air into his now open palm, releasing a briefly thick cloud, instantly illuminated by the radiance of the UV-A candle spell. As the powder settled throughout the room, details from the past were soon visible under the dim light. Hand prints, tracks on the ground, scrapes, and blood, all soon reacted with the powder upon them. Travis walked forward with the glowing orb following him, exposing more of the room as he pushed ahead. Some of the passages to the middle and right glowed with detail, revealing tracks heading into them. Soon as he turned to the left, did the light then reveal another but a unique set of footprints; ones the lead out. “Bingo.” said Travis as he stood at the left of the center path.