Gaige sat back quietly (truly a remarkably challenging task for her) as the other three around her went on in their own manner. Scout (Gaige had heard stranger names and so didn't give it any second thought) was clearly stressed by the situation and wanted to just leave. She gave it some consideration. After all, while she couldn't actually take on a never ending swarm of skeletons by herself, there was strength in numbers. Plus one of them was a Siren, so booyah to that! Only both the woman herself (whom still hadn't introduced herself and so Gaige had labeled her as "Green-hair") and the strange man (whom she decided to call "Hildy") countered Gaige's assertion that the woman was a siren, and that magic was indeed real. [color=royalblue]"Hahaha,"[/color] Gaige chuckled. [color=royalblue]"Magic. That's rich, really. You probably just don't realize what a siren is, but that's ok. Not many people know anything about it."[/color] She had ignored the part they had brought up about knowing of many individuals that could perform similar feats. The young girl placed the barrel of her TORGUE shotgun in the dirt and leaned up against the grip, showing her rather calm and lackadaisical attitude before responding to the strange man. [color=royalblue]"You're talking about ancient Greek myths of the siren as a monstrous creature. Those haven't been relevant in, what, over 40,000 years? I don't think anybody even still lives on earth. I'm talking about the very real, measured and observed phenomenon of women that possess fantastic powers that allow them access to altering the laws of reality. Only six ever exist at one time, nobody knows where their powers come from, but they're always distinguishable by the tattoos that cover half their bod-"[/color] Gaige froze in mid-sentence as she realized something. Something obvious. Something [i]wrong[/i]. Green-hair... Didn't have tattoos. But sirens [i]always[/i] had tattoos. In over 10,000 years of study on the subject across the Six Galaxies every single instance of a siren had ornate alien tattoos covering approximately half of their body. Not Green-hair. Gaige almost stumbled, but caught herself on the shotgun. [color=royalblue]"Woah, ok, this is weird."[/color] Thoughts raced across the young girl's mind, dominating all of her concentration. Thoughts formed into ideas. Ideas shaped theories. Theories just brought about more questions, but after a couple seconds she addressed the others. [color=royalblue]"Ok, I have some theories, but they're all pretty whacked. I thought that maybe I was brought somewhere uncharted on Pandora, or another planet, but maybe that's not right. I could have been brought somewhere outside of the six explored and inhabited galaxies, into another portion of the universe entirely. Or maybe... "[/color] She looked around at the ranch, then up at the moon in the sky, which hadn't moved from its position even slightly since they had escaped the skeletons. [color=royalblue]"Maybe we've been taken rom time! Or or or to a different reality!"[/color] More thoughts, more ideas, more theories crammed themselves into Gaige's mind. How could something like that have been possible? Did someone open a Vault that acted as a gateway? Were there still some Eridians around and they did this? Was stockpiling all that eridium ore somehow responsible? Lilith was a powerful siren that could phase an entire city when she had enough fuel, but that only amounted to moving through space and reappearing somewhere else. Did she, or some other unimaginably powerful siren, somehow phase through dimensions? Immediately Gaige began processing what she would need to test such a theory, and for that she would need machine parts. Equipment to build a temporal or spacial resonator to measure the vibrational frequency of the atoms around. [color=royalblue]"We need to find any parts we can!"[/color] Gaige suddenly snapped back to life around the others, just in time for Green-hair to suggest they get some horses. [color=royalblue]"Good idea! These are excellent beasts of burden, able to carry ungodly amounts of loot, whether by saddle or trailer or whatever, so it'd be great to have them. I need to build something to find out where we are, and then I might, [i]might[/i], be able to build something that can take us all home."[/color] Gaige looked down at her robotic arm, suddenly feeling a pang of loneliness. Deathtrap's coding was damaged, so she couldn't digistruct him. That meant things would be that much more dangerous, but it also meant that she was alone with a group of strangers that she, for all intents and purposes, didn't know she could fully trust. Sure, her ECHO didn't mark them red on her HUD, but that only measured active killing intent. If any of them had some other agenda, but no intention to cause her physical harm at this moment, then it would register them as friendlies. She sighed. [color=royalblue]"Alright, I'm putting a [i]butt ton[/i] of trust in you guys. Scout, Green-hair, Hildy, I'm registering you all as 'party members' on my ECHO. That means that I should be able to keep tabs of your locations on the map that generates for my reference. If any of you have any kind of communications equipment, I'll need the frequency so that I can call you, just in case we get separated."[/color] She turned toward the corral and began the small trek to get herself a horse, while listening for the others to let her know if they had any communications equipment.