[center][color=92278f][h1]Dominic Matraz[/h1][/color][/center] Dominic immediately regretted sending the moving men away, as they had only carried up the stairs and no further. With excess supplies and equipment as a present from his mother, he found he really didn't have the basic strength to push the cart containing them all and would have even more trouble unpacking it all. He realised he had been sent a challenge to actually set up his own lab instead having a pre-built one ready for him such as the one at home. His mother was never one to cater to laziness and considered ingenuity, drive and hard work above all else. He sighed and became pushing. 30 mins later, Dominic had finally gotten it all up into the apartment and into his room. He took a quick break, using the time to examine the spacious room and look for best place to start setting up. He had requested nothing but a bed, a desk and many, many shelves. This allowed him space to fill almost every corner of the room with equipment. By the time he was done, the room has transformed into a laboratory. Jars of ingredients lined the shelves, vials, test tubes and glass tubes placed around the room on tables. The single desk had stacks of books and scrolls. Satisfied, he opened Cauldron's cage and placed her bed and feeding bowl next to his bed. She shot out and trotted around the room several times, gazing at each section of the room before settling on her bed and sleeping. He didn't expect much from her but even that was more underwhelming than usual. He shrugged, took a book from his desk and sat crossed-legged on his bed and began to read.