[h3][B]Tokyo, Shibuya Crossing[/B][/h3] Sea Devil felt several violent breezes fly over him. Bullets passing by in a burning flash like comets. Fortunately he'd simply fallen to the ground after coming off the buildings side rather than landing on his feet. If it weren't for his aching knees causing him to immediately collapse, he'd likely be a dead man. Doing some quick math, he estimated that her clip was probably empty. Seeing no need or benefit to taking this target down, he tested her response to a forward rush before deciding he'd simply had a lapse in judgement by attacking her. This was certainly a very special woman, whether she was with Starro or not. [B][Color=Firebrick]"I'm guessing you're either special or not with them. Based on the fact you're using a pistol, I'd say it's probably the latter. That and the fact I imagined your help would be right there."[/Color][/B] The starfish mob was not being patient for the amphibious adventurer, though, so he began to put some vertical distance between himself and the crowd. With effort, he threw one hand onto his dangling grapnel, [B][Color=Firebrick]"I suggest you take my hand, madam. The elevator will be going up in a moment. You'll be safer up here."[/Color][/B] At that moment he used his super senses to reassess the situation, fortunately he was a safe distance from Cobi. Even though he'd only asked a few seconds before, he was becoming impatient with the League's middle man, Snapper Carr. [Color=Firebrick][B]"Make it snappy, Snapper."[/B][/Color] He couldn't help but feel slightly useless in this particular situation.