[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/xhk1LGn.png[/img] [h3][color=662d91]-Gamie Jaeger-[/color][/h3] As a few set of people began to work, Gamie quietly watched the group of people traverse inland, while a couple of others decided to dry off. From what he noticed, Magus' spell swiftly removed any water on her being. Maybe he could request that she retrieve the remaining water from his robe later in the eve, but for now, there were driftwood they could use, and wreck on the side. As he gathered the pieces, Gamie's eyes darted between the team consisting of the Hermit and Orion, and the other made up of the stronger fellows. Salvaging what was left of the chunk that landed could include some beneficial items... maybe a bow or something to aid in trapping. He noticed Scales diving back into the depths to gather fish, and knowing full well they could have a good meal... well, most of them if they were willing to split or not. Picking up another piece of driftwood, silently continuing to gather the pieces as he watched a good few of them traverse towards the wreckage - The Amazon, The Trapper, and The Demon. Gamie felt it would be foolish not to accompany them due to a smidgen of hope within him. Namely if it was in there... or any number of projectiles. Slowly trudging towards the three, he wasn't going to be left behind as he inaudibly approached the side of the Garuda. [color=662d91]"I'll assist fr' the mome' until I find somethin' to snae' or snipe some game with,"[/color] he mumbled to the group, carrying the bundles of driftwood he garnered while everyone was having a discussion. Glancing at the sea water, he settled on his knowledge and kept hope that there was a mug or glass they could use... maybe some flint and steel?[/center]